Contact Field Mapping in HubSpot


The HubSpot Contact Field Mapping feature lets you map Goldcast’s Standard and Custom Event User properties to your HubSpot Contacts. In Goldcast, standard fields are mapped at the organization level, while custom fields are mapped at the event level. In this article, we explain how to map your standard fields. For custom field mapping, refer here

Before You Begin: Make sure your event registration forms are set up to collect the Goldcast properties you’ve mapped to HubSpot. If you aren’t collecting registrant data for your mapped properties, no data can be sent to HubSpot. To know more about how to create and assign forms for your events, click here.




To set up your Contacts Field Mapping for HubSpot in the Goldcast, you should install and connect your Goldcast org to your HubSpot.

Once you login to Goldcast Studio, follow these steps to set up Contact Field Mapping:

  1. Click on your Avatar Logo in the top right corner of your screen and click on the Integrations menu.
  2. Alternatively, you can also click the hamburger icon on the top left and click the Integrations menu to open the integrations page. 
  3. Next, locate the connected HubSpot integration and click on it. You will land on the HubSpot settings page.
  4. Scroll to the Contact Field Mapping section and click Edit.

You will now be able to see a drawer that lets you map your Goldcast Standard properties to Contact Properties in HubSpot. Here you will see three default mappings already set up: First Name, Last Name and Email.
Email being a unique field in Goldcast used to identify an event registrant, the update policy for the Email field cannot be modified.

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Click on Add Mapping to map any additional Goldcast standard fields to your connected HubSpot account.  

The Policy(Update Policy) denotes how the fields in HubSpot will get updated upon change in Goldcast Fields. We have three options for Update policy

  • Always Update: This will update your Contacts in HubSpot always when your mapped field in Goldcast gets updated.
  • Don’t update if source is empty: This will not update your Contacts in HubSpot if the mapped field in Goldcast is empty.
  • Only update when target is empty: This will only update your Contacts in HubSpot if the mapped field in HubSpot is empty.

Configuring Field Mapping in your Goldcast org

Set up your new mapping from the record added using Add mapping CTA. This will consist of selecting 3 components :

  • Standard Fields in Goldcast will be collected from your forms.
  • Contacts Property Field in HubSpot will get updated.
  • Update Policy: This is the way Contact Field Mappings will update target fields in HubSpot.
  1. To add a new mapping, click on the Add Mapping button.
  2. Select your Field name in Goldcast from the first drop-down. For example, Magic Link.
  3. Select the corresponding Contact Field name in HubSpot.
  4. Choose the update policy that seems appropriate according to your requirement for Contacts in HubSpot.
  5. Similarly, repeat this process for all the Standard Fields you want to map.
  6. Once done, click on Save to save the field mapping for HubSpot; this will give you a success
    message indicating HubSpot Field Mapping has been Updated Successfully. 

Viewing data in HubSpot

To see the field mapping in action, you need to set up a form using our Form Builder. For more information, check out this guide on creating and editing registration forms. Please make sure the Goldcast Fields you want to map to HubSpot Contacts are present in the Form(default form)

  1. Login to Goldcast Studio using your credentials. 
  2. Click the hamburger icon on the top left, and select the Events tab to get a list of all your events. 
  3. From the Events list, click the event you want to edit. This will take you to the Event Dashboard.
  4. Click on the Registration Page of the event on the bottom left. 
  5. Registration page for the event opens on a new tab of the browser. Click on Register CTA.
  6. Enter your details on the Registration Form. Please copy the email ID that is being entered, as we'll use it in later steps.
    The registration form must include Goldcast standard fields which you wish to map back to HubSpot Contact.
  7. Click on Submit to finish your registration process.
  8. Go to Contacts in your HubSpot Instance that has been authenticated with Goldcast.
  9. Search the email ID you copied in the steps above. This will fetch you the associated contact with that email.
  10. Click on the Contact Name to view the Contact Profile.
  11. Scroll down in the left pane to find View All Properties.
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  12. You can now observe the changes in the property value of fields that were mapped in your Goldcast org, in this case, UTM Parameters.
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  13. Click on Details for each property to view details such as Source and Timestamp when it gets updated.

List of Standard Fields in Goldcast

 Standard Field  Name API Data Type Field Type
 First name first_name string Text Field
 Last name last_name string Text Field
 Email email string Text Field
 Phone number phone_number string Text Field
 Company company string Text Field
 Job title title string Text Field
 Twitter URL twitter_url string Text Field
 LinkedIn URL linkedin_url string Text Field
 Industry industry string Dropdown
 Street Address street_address string Text Field
 Address Line 2 address_line_2 string Text Field
 State state string Dropdown
 Zip Code zip_code string Text Field
 City city string Text Field
 Age age integer Text Field
 Country country string Dropdown
 UTM Campaign utm_campaign string UTM Hidden Field
 UTM Source utm_source string UTM Hidden Field
 UTM Medium utm_medium string UTM Hidden Field
 UTM Content utm_content string UTM Hidden Field
 UTM Term utm_term string UTM Hidden Field
 UTM Creative utm_creative string UTM Hidden Field
 UTM Keyword utm_keyword string UTM Hidden Field
UTM Region utm_region string UTM Hidden Field
 Pronouns pronouns string Dropdown
 Data Share  Consent data_share_consent boolean Checkbox
 Visa Required visa_required boolean Checkbox
 Dietary  Restrictions dietary_restrictions string Dropdown
 Accessibility Needs accessibility string Dropdown
 Registrant Type registrant_type string Dropdown
 Registration  Activity  URL registrant_activity_url string NA
 Magic Link magic_link_url string NA
 Calendar Invite URL calendar_invite_url string NA
 QR Code URL qrcode_url string NA

Important Notes:

  • By default, the Country form field in Goldcast has Country Name to Country mapping. 
    The country name is displayed in the form when a user selects it. However, while syncing this value, it syncs as Country Code. Make sure the field in your target system is configured to accommodate Country. If you want the country name to be synced, you must change it manually in the Goldcast form in the Field's data section.
  • UTM Tracking Fields should be passed through your Registration Form URL to capture the data and then passed to your target system.
  • The Calendar Invite URL field is more than 500 characters, so choose your target field accordingly.
  • QR Code URL field is only applicable for field events. 


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