Goldcast Webhooks Payload Structure


By using, Goldcast’s Webhooks Integration feature, you can send custom activities in Goldcast to any 3rd party system. Listed below are our 20 activities and their payload response structure which can be selected in your Goldcast account while configuring the integration for any event. 

NOTE : The payload structure for activities such as Registered, Attendance, and Profile Updated will vary based on the API names configured in your Goldcast Registration Forms. Ensure your configurations accommodate these changes.

1. Registration

"title":"PM intern",
"street_address":"Street 1522",
"industry":"Computer Software/Engineering",
"address_line_2":"Adjacent to Highway 54",
"registrant_type":"event staff",
"customFieldTextArea":"This is custom field that is of type Text Area,
the payload strucutre in your webhook will change according to the API names
you name for your fields in your Goldcast forms",
"phone_number":"(738) 752-6211",
"customtextField":"Custom Value for your Text Field"


2. Waitlisted

 "activityType": "WAITLIST",
 "lastName": "Mishra",
 "firstName": "Preeti",
 "linkedinUrl": null,
 "eventId": "0fad64f6-ba4a-4f3f-81fe-4caff0a53c36",
 "title": null,
 "twitterUrl": null,
 "activityTime": 1707737573,
 "company": "Goldcast",
 "userId": "7217c717-21a2-498f-be01-2ad08a0642ad",
  "email": "",
  "magicLinkUrl": "",
 "props": {
   "select": "tests",
   "dietary_restrictions": "vegan"

3. Rejected

 "activityType": "REJECTED",
 "lastName": "Mishra",
 "firstName": "Preeti",
 "linkedinUrl": null,
 "eventId": "0fad64f6-ba4a-4f3f-81fe-4caff0a53c36",
 "title": null,
 "twitterUrl": null,
 "activityTime": 1707737573,
 "company": "Goldcast",
 "userId": "7217c717-21a2-498f-be01-2ad08a0642ad",
  "email": "",
  "magicLinkUrl": "",
 "props": {
   "select": "tests",
   "dietary_restrictions": "vegan"

4. Canceled

 "activityType": "CANCELED",
 "lastName": "Mishra",
 "firstName": "Preeti",
 "linkedinUrl": null,
 "eventId": "0fad64f6-ba4a-4f3f-81fe-4caff0a53c36",
 "title": null,
 "twitterUrl": null,
 "activityTime": 1707737573,
 "company": "Goldcast",
 "userId": "7217c717-21a2-498f-be01-2ad08a0642ad",
  "email": "",
  "magicLinkUrl": "",
 "props": {
   "select": "tests",
   "dietary_restrictions": "vegan"

5. Profile Updated

  "lastName": "Desai",
  "activityType": "PROFILE_UPDATED",
  "eventId": "3567cc9d-b125-4hdgs672jc",
  "location": null,
  "title": "Chef",
  "tags": [
  "firstName": "Piyush",
  "activityTime": 1638339602,
  "company": "Goldcast",
  "userId": "a33b5a9a-fdfb-7d4ed814cf5f",
  "email": "",
  "twitterUrl": "",
  "linkedinUrl": ""

6. Attended

"title":"PM intern",
"industry":"Computer Software/Engineering",
"phone_number":"(738) 752-6211",
"address_line_2":"Adjacent to Highway 54",
"street_address":"Street 1522",
"customtextField":"Custom Value for your Text Field",
"registrant_type":"event staff",
"customFieldTextArea":"This is custom field that is of type Text Area,
the payload strucutre in your webhook will change according to the API names
you name for your fields in your Goldcast forms",

7. Event No Show

  "activityType": "EVENT_NO_SHOW", 
  "activityTime": 1706594599,
  "eventId": "d2214917-bc61-4fdb-84c9-29f5799c543e",
  "userId": "ce917499-505f-477a-9a7d-7541a03e7871",
  "firstName": "Henry",
  "lastName": "Ramirez",
  "email": ""

8. Q&A

 "activityType": "QNA",
 "activityTime": 16781986,
 "eventId": "7772c9e-4a0e-8cfd-34852d362262",
 "qnaIsAnswered": false,
 "title": "Product Management Director",
 "userId": "4a6b9169-8af4-1e67a984a2a7",
 "email": "",
 "firstName": "Ilyaas",
 "lastName": "Khawaja",
 "qnaQuestion": "How are pacing on the Q1 goals for the Studio Tribe?",
 "broadcastId": "e473f2bd-4383-aa39-c04daee3f7da"

9. Resource Download

 "activityType": "RESOURCE_DOWNLOAD",
 "activityTime": 18194736,
 "eventId": "7772c9ea-07e5-4a0e-34852d362262",
 "resourceLink": "",
 "title": "Product",
 "userId": "75d063fb-48a7-4703-bd33-7e2b1cb",
 "email": "",
 "firstName": "Piyush",
 "lastName": "D.",
 "resourceName": "Sprint 65 Deck",
 "sessionId": "e473f2bd-824b-43839-c04daee3f7da",
 "sessionTitle": "Sprint demo",
 "sessionType": "broadcast"

10. Poll Response

"activityType": "POLL_RESPONSE",
"activityTime": 16645696,
"eventId": "d152ec56-b1ea-a847-0974daa0f4d6",
"pollQuestion": "What are the best ways to get the audience HOOKED?",
"pollAnswer": "Get HOOKED by Nir Eyal”,
"title": "Product Manager",
"userId": "080f00ad-4b44-9fbb-19596c4a91a2",
"email": "",
"firstName": "Piyush",
"lastName": "Desai",
"broadcastId": "080f00ad-4b44-9fbb-19596c1291a2"

11. Event CTA Click

 "activityType": "EVENT_CTA_CLICKS",
 "activityTime": 16781746,
 "eventId": "7772c9ea-4a0e-8cfd-34852d",
 "title": "Product",
 "userId": "75d063fb-4703-bd33-7ea227",
 "firstName": "Piyush",
 "lastName": "D.",
 "email": "",
 "ctaButtonText": "Request a Demo",
 "ctaConfirmationTitle": "DEMO REQUEST SENT",
 "ctaConfirmationMessage": "Your request was successfully saved. Thanks for requesting a demo with us."

12. Booth CTA Click

"activityType": "BOOTH_CTA_CLICKS",
"activityTime": 1646184,
"eventId": "d152ec56-471e-a847-0974daa0f4d6",
"title": "QA ENGINEER",
"userId": "12b88b84-7bc6-4e1d-17706d53d9c8",
"firstName": "Bazil",
"lastName": "Sarosh",
"email": "",
"ctaButtonText": "Click here to know more",
"ctaConfirmationTitle": "VIOLA",
"ctaConfirmationMessage": "You have been added to mailers list",
"boothId": "def8b-44c9-b860-ab7d4b29ebfd",
"boothName": "How to raise VC funds?"

13. Attended Discussion Group

 "activityTime": 16781902,
 "eventId": "7772c9ea-07e5-8cfd-34852d362262",
 "title": "Software Engineer",
 "userId": "33f14bf6-7940-9822-75259501e490",
 "firstName": "Nishant",
 "lastName": "Parashar",
 "email": "",
 "sessionId": "d100a6ec-aa82-b0b4-f127b2c9ac93",
 "sessionName": "FIFA World Cup Semis Predictions",
 "sessionEntryTimestamp": "16781102463"

14. Attended Broadcast

 "activityType": "ATTENDED_BROADCAST",
 "activityTime": 16781947,
 "eventId": "7772c9ea-07e5-8cfd-34852d362262",
 "title": "Product Manager",
 "userId": "8744d7d6-e904-9b24-050834421a11",
 "firstName": "Bhavik",
 "lastName": "Jain",
 "email": "",
 "sessionId": "e473f2bd-4383-aa39-c04daee3f7da",
 "sessionName": "Sprint demo",
 "sessionEntryTimestamp": "164156979"

15. Attended Booth

"activityType": "ATTENDED_BOOTH",
"activityTime": 16646181,
"eventId": "d152ec56-471e-a847-0974daa0f4d6",
"title": "QA ENGINEER",
"userId": "1284-7bc6-4e1d-9004-17706d53d9c8",
"firstName": "Bazil",
"lastName": "Sarosh",
"email": "",
"sessionId": "def8ff5b-44c9-4f01-b860-ab7d4b29ebfd",
"sessionName": "How to raise VC funds?",
"sessionEntryTimestamp": "16546180736"

16. Event Engagement Score

"activityType": "ENGAGEMENT_SCORE",
"activityTime": 165696,
"eventId": "d152ec56-a847-0974daa0f4d6",
"engagementPercentile": 5,
"title": "Performance Marketing",
"userId": "08ad-ee26--9fbb-19596c4a91a2",
"email": "",
"firstName": "Bazil",
"lastName": "Sarosh"

17. Time Spent in Broadcast

"activityType": "TIME_SPENT_IN_BROADCAST",
"activityTime": 16565992,
"eventId": "d152ec56-471e-a847-0974daa0f4d6",
"broadcastTimespent": 16.9,
"userId": "12b88b84-7bc6-9004-17706d53d9c8",
"email": "",
"firstName": "Nikhil",
"lastName": "Chandwani",
"broadcastId": "080f00ad-ee26-9fbb-19596c4a91a2",
“broadcastName”: "Sprint Demo Session",
"engagementType": "Live"

18. Time Spent in Discussion Group

"activityTime": 16645592,
"eventId": "d152ec56-b1ea-471e-0974daa0f4d6",
"dgTimespent": 20,
"userId": "12b88b84-7bc6-9004-17706d53d9c8",
"email": "",
"firstName": "Nikhil",
"lastName": "Chandwani",
"discussionGroupId": "080f00ad-4b44-9fbb-19596c4a91a2", “discussionGroupName”:"Round Table Event Conference"

19. Time Spent in Booth

"activityType": "TIME_SPENT_IN_BOOTH",
"activityTime": 1565992,
"eventId": "d152ec56-471e-a847-0974daa0f4d6",
"boothTimespent": 16.9,
"userId": "12b88b84-9004-17706d53d9c8",
"email": "",
"firstName": "Nikhil",
"lastName": "Chandwani",
"boothId": "080f00ad-9fbb-19596c4a91a2",
“boothName”: "Mercedes - Get your Own Brochure now"

20. Event Engagement Time

"activityType": "TIME_SPENT_IN_EVENT",
"activityTime": 16565992,
"eventId": "d152ec56-471e-a847-0974daa0f4d6",
"eventTimespent": 34.0,
"title": "QA ENGINEER",
"userId": "12b88b84-4e1d-9004-17706d53d9c8",
"email": "",
"firstName": "Bazil",
"lastName": "Sarosh"

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