Moving Items from One Team to Another

What happens to existing items when you enable teams?

If you have users, events, series, templates and pages in your Goldcast account before you enable Teams, everything will be retained, but none of your existing items will be assigned to a team. 

You may choose to leave them as-is, and not assign them to a team. 

Here’s how each item will be affected if you choose not to move them:

Users Events Templates Pages Series
Will remain organization admins and have access to everything in your account
  • Viewable and editable by organization admins only (not team admins)
  • Will not be associated with a team in reports
  • Will become shared templates
  • Editable by organization admins only
  • Viewable/usable to create events by everyone
  • Will become organization pages
  • Can contain events from any team
  • Editable by organization admins only
  • Viewable and editable by organization admins only (not team admins)
  • Cannot have new events added to the series - must be part of a team

Note: Any new events, series, pages, and templates you create after enabling teams must be assigned to a team during creation.

Best practices to move items from one team to another

Let's take a look at how to move the following entities from one team to another: 


All existing users will still be organization admins when teams is enabled in your Goldcast account. They will have access to everything inside the entire account and all teams. You can reassign user's roles to make them team admins and give them access to one or more teams. 

Learn more about the permissions for each role. 

To reassign an existing user's role and give the user access to one or more teams: 

  1. Click the hamburger icon to open the left-side menu. 
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click on the edit icon next to the user you want to edit from the list. 
  4. Click Edit Role.
  5. In the dropdown, select Team Admin and click the checkmark
  6. Click the Edit Teams button that appears.
  7. Click the checkbox next to the team(s) you want to add this user to.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Close the window.


To move an existing event into a team: 

  1. Click on the event from your Event List. 
  2. Click Edit Event in the top right corner. 
  3. In the Team dropdown at the top, select the team you want to move this event into. 
  4. Click Save.


Existing templates not moved into a team will be noted as available to All Teams in the Select a Template list when you create an event.

If you choose to move an existing template into one specific team, only that team can use it to create events. The template will only be visible in the event creation menu for users with access to that team. 

To move a template into a specific team:

  1. Click the hamburger icon to open the left-side menu. 
  2. Click Templates.
  3. Click on the template you want to move from the list. 
  4. Click Edit in the top right corner.
  5. Under "Who can use this template?" select "Only users in this team."
  6. Select the team from the dropdown menu.
  7. Click Save.


A team's page can only list events from that specific team. If you choose to move existing pages into a particular team, please ensure that all the events listed on that page are already part of that team. Otherwise, events will disappear from the page. 

To move a page into a specific team: 

  1. Click the hamburger icon to open the left-side menu. 
  2. Click Pages.
  3. Click on the page you want to move from the list. 
  4. Click Page Settings in the top right corner.
  5. Under "What events will be displayed on this page?" select "Events from this Team."
  6. Select the team from the dropdown menu.
  7. Click Save.


To move an existing series to a team, contact us at for further guidance.   

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