Creating a Series

Plan Availability Starter Pro Premium Enterprise

For customers with contracts starting March 2024 or later, feature availability is based on your pricing tier. If interested, contact your CSM or our Sales Team to discuss pricing options. 

Host an event series and allow attendees to register for their preferred events with a single form.

What is a series?

A Series is a collection of virtual, in-person, and/or hybrid events grouped together in the Goldcast Studio. This feature enables attendees to register for multiple related events. Instead of filling out separate registration forms for each event, attendees can submit their data once and register for multiple events in one go. 

How to create a series

  1. Login to Goldcast Studio using your credentials. 
  2. Click the + icon on the top right and select New Series
  3. Name your Series, provide a description (optional) and click Create

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This brings you to the Series dashboard. You can now add any number of events to your series. 

Note: If you plan to integrate your series with third-party tools such as HubSpot or Marketo, this would be the right time to do it. We recommend setting up series integrations before adding new events to it. 

How to add events to a series

When you create a series of events, you have the flexibility to add any number and type of events to it. Whether it's live, hybrid, in-person, or any combination of these types, there are no limitations.

Note: Any event you add to a series inherits the registration form from the series. This way, registrants have to fill out only one form and can register successfully for all (or their preferred) events in the series. 

Follow these steps to add an event to your series:  

  1. Login to Goldcast Studio using your credentials. 
  2. Click the hamburger icon on the top left and select Series
  3. Choose your preferred series from the list. 
  4. Click Events from the sidebar. This section displays all events added to this series. 
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  5. Click New Event + or + Add Event to create a new event in this series. 
  6. Create a Goldcast event as usual. Enter the Event Title
    • Select an Event Type (Virtual, In-person, or Hybrid) 
    • Select the Event Date, Starting and Ending Time from the date and time picker. Choose Single or Multi-Session, depending on your use case. 
    • Choose your preferred Template
    • Turn on/off the Test Event toggle.
    • Click Create

The newly created event is now part of the series. You can now continue setting up this event, as usual. If you need a refresher, visit Setting Up and Running an Event

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Note: Currently, we do not support adding previously created events to a series. You can only add newly created or duplicated events to a series. 

To learn more about customized domains, refer to our guide on Setting Customized Vanity URLs for Series Registration Pages

Next Reading: Managing a Series

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