Adding On-Demand Events to a Series Registration Page

Plan Availability Starter Pro Premium Enterprise

For customers with contracts starting March 2024 or later, feature availability is based on your pricing tier. If interested, contact your CSM or our Sales Team to discuss pricing options. 

By default, the series registration form only includes upcoming events. Any event that is currently live or has already taken place will not be shown in the default series registration form. However, we’ve got a workaround to handle this scenario. Use the on-demand block in the Page Builder to display past events (in on-demand mode) on the series registration page. 

In this article, we provide step-by-step instructions on how to add on-demand events to your series registration page. 

How to add on-demand events to the series registration page

  1. Log into Goldcast Studio and open your preferred series. 
  2. Navigate to Registration → Page & Form using the left sidebar. 
  3. Click Edit in the Registration Page section to open the Page Builder. 
  4. Click the New Block button on the top and select On Demand Events.
  5. Drag and drop to move the block to where you want it to display on your page.
  6. Expand the arrow next to the On Demand Events block in the left panel. 
  7. Click the blue edit icon 1716664703100-f493bca4-0ccf-4fe7-b0bf-929f4b49d37b (30×23) next to the Event List section. 

Note: You can only add past (virtual or hybrid) events that were a part of the series to the on-demand block. If there are no past events, the Event List in the on-demand block will be empty. 

  1. By default, all past events in the series (with on-demand enabled) are visible in the on-demand block. Hide the events you want to remove by clicking the eye icon 1716664767411-0a408616-b6cf-49db-9cfa-d7eb1d8df8a8 (30×23) next to the event’s name. 
  2. Click the blue checkmark 1716664819034-5d2b0671-8c68-4d71-9f03-ccef059b2d10 (225×225) in the Events List section to save your changes. 
  3. Click the Save button at the bottom to complete the action. 

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Heads up! Users must register individually for on-demand events. They cannot sign up all at once using the checkboxes, as they do for upcoming events in a series.

Pro Tip! Once the series is over and there are no more upcoming events, hide the registration form block. After that, move the on-demand block, which you have previously set up, to the top half of the page so that attendees who are interested can quickly register and view on-demand recordings. 

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