Table of Contents
Heads up! This feature is currently in closed Beta. To learn more, contact your CSM.
Welcome to Goldcast's Recording Studio. This guide provides you with step-by-step instructions on how to:
- Record high-quality video and audio content in Goldcast
- Edit it using Content Lab
- Publish the recording on events/webinars, YouTube, social channels, podcasting platforms, and more
How to schedule a recording in Goldcast
Step 1: Create a new recording
- Log into Goldcast Studio, click the
icon on the top-right, and select New Recording.
- Enter a Title for the Recording.
- Drag the slider to select the recording's Duration. Recordings can run from 15 minutes to a maximum of 8 hours.
- If Team Workspace is enabled for your organization, choose a Team Workspace to assign the Recording to.
- (Optional): Choose Tags to assign to the recording. Adding tags makes it easy to search, retrieve, and organize your recordings in Goldcast Studio.
- Select when to record:
- Record Now: Use this option for immediate impromptu recording sessions.
Record Later: Use this to schedule the recording at a specified date and time.
Heads up! When you click Record Now, the recording will be scheduled to begin five minutes later. This slight delay gives you time to get camera ready, invite other speakers (optional), and customize the recording background and speaker name cards.
- Click Create.

Step 2: Invite speakers
You have two options to invite participants (speakers) to your recording session. If you have scheduled a recording session for later, you can invite send speaker invites from Goldcast Studio. Alternatively, you can also invite speakers directly from the Recording Studio (even when your recording is underway).
Let's take a look at both these methods.
Method #1: From Goldcast Studio
If you have scheduled a Recording for Later, use this method to send speaker invites to the recording session and share their magic links (access links).
- From the Recording dashboard, click the +New Speaker button.
- Enter speaker details.
- Mandatory: Email, First Name and Last Name
- Optional: Speaker profile picture, Title, Company, Description, LinkedIn and X.
- Click Create.
Note: If you've previously added the speaker or staff to any event or webinar, Goldcast will automatically pull up their details as soon as you enter their email address.

Method #2: From the Recording Session
You can also invite participants (speakers) directly from the Recording Studio.
- Click the +Invite button in the Recording Studio.
Enter the speaker's email, first and last name, and click Add.
The speaker will then receive an email inviting them to your recording session.
Step 3: [Optional] Add additional producers
Note: By default, Goldcast adds the recording event creator as its producer.
You can also add other team members to assist you with the recording. Follow these steps to add additional producers:
Method #1: From Goldcast Studio
- From the Recording dashboard, navigate to the Staff tab, click the +New Staff button.
- Enter staff details.
- Mandatory: Email, First Name and Last Name
- Optional: Staff profile picture, Title, and Company.
- Click Create.

Method #2: From the Recording Session
You can also invite producers directly from the Recording Space by clicking the Invite button and selecting the role as Producer.

Step 4: Open recording studio
When ready, click the Start Recording button to enter the Recording Studio. If you clicked, Record Now, Goldcast will automatically direct you to the tech check screen.
Complete tech check
Goldcast will take you to the tech check page.

- Provide the required camera and mic permissions.
- Use the dropdowns to select your preferred mic, camera, and speaker.
- Check the video preview on the top and adjust your camera position.
- Test microphone and speaker to check if your audio devices are connected.
- Choose a virtual background, blur, or none. Uncheck Mirror My Video if you don't want your video mirrored on the display. Use this option when your video includes background text that might appear reversed in the frame.
- If you'll be sharing your screen during the recording, make sure to Test Screenshare on this page to verify if it's working as intended.
Once you've completed the essential hardware checks, click Enter Recording to join the Recording Studio.
Recording studio tools
Heads up! Remember, the recorder only captures people and content onstage. People who are backstage will NOT be captured in the recording.

Click the Go on Stage button to be included in the recording.

- Click the Screen tab to share a tab, window, or your entire screen onstage. The recorder captures any content you share onstage via the screen sharing tab.
- You can modify the arrangement of speakers and content shared onstage using the Layout tab. To pin the active speaker at the top, turn on the Show Active Speaker toggle.
- Use the Style tab to change the:
- Studio background: You can choose from a solid color, gradient, or image.
- Background of the Speaker Name Card: You can choose from a solid color, gradient, or image.
- Font Color of the Speaker Name Card: Use the slider to select your preferred color.
- Click the Settings tab to edit speaker/producer profile.
The sun and moon icons on the bottom left allow you to switch between dark and light modes in the recording studio.

Step 5: Start and stop recording
Producers are in control of the recording. They can start, pause, resume, and stop recordings using the buttons on the recording panel at the bottom.

The panel also displays the running time of the current recording.

Heads up! Once you hit STOP, you'll not be able to resume the recording. So, proceed with caution. If your speakers want to take a break, use the pause button to temporarily halt the recording and resume once your crew is ready. You pause and resume any number of times.
Step 6: Edit the recording
Once you have completed the recording, close the window. Goldcast will email you to notify you when the processing is complete and the recording is available for further edits.
Note: Typically, it takes around ten minutes for Goldcast to process an hour of recording. So, if your recording is two hours long, you can expect processing to be completed within twenty minutes.
Follow these steps to edit the recording in Content Lab (Goldcast's AI powered video repurposing tool)
- Log into Goldcast Studio, click the Events tab, and select Past Events.
- Select Recordings in the Event Type filter at the top.
- Scroll or search and open your recording.
- Click the Edit Video button to edit the recording in Content Lab. You can quickly trim the ends of the recording and add an intro and outro.
- You can also repurpose the recording into short clips, multi-modal blogs, custom takeaways, and more.
- Once you've completed the changes, hit the Share button on top to download your edited video.
Step 7: Download and publish
Once you've downloaded your edited recording file, you can upload it back into Goldcast to use it. Here are a few ways to use your recordings in Goldcast:
- Add it to an upcoming pre-recorded event
- Use it as a video to play in a live event
- Use it to replace the default recording in an on-demand event
- Add it to a video hub:
- First, upload it to Content Lab
- Then, publish it as one of the videos on your video hub from the “Content Lab Recordings” tab
Note: During the beta, we will be working to simplify this workflow so that you'll be able to directly access your edited recordings in Goldcast events and on video hubs. Stay tuned for updates from our team!
1: How do I reschedule a recording?
To reschedule a recording, open the recording to go to the dashboard, click the Edit Event button on the top right and change the date and timings, as required.
2: Can I invite speakers directly from the recording studio?
Yes. From the recording studio, click the +Invite button, enter the speaker's email and click Send. The speaker will then receive an email inviting them to your recording session.
3: How to edit the speaker profile?
Speakers can edit their details directly from the Recording Studio. Click the Settings tab on the left, click Edit Profile, enter or change your profile details and click Save.
4: What happens if the recording overruns the selected duration?
Goldcast records for an additional 30 minutes after the scheduled end time. This time limit is helpful when your sessions run longer, as it allows you to capture content on stage for an additional 30 minutes after the scheduled end time.
5: Are the tags used during creating the recording the same as event tags? Does it use the same tag library?
Yes. Events and Recordings use the same tag library. Use the right tags to easily search for and retrieve your recording sessions.
6: Why is the recording scheduled five minutes later when I click “Record Now”?
We provide this five-minute buffer to give you time to invite speakers and staff and set up the branding before commencing the session.
7: Can I edit the invites sent out to speakers while inviting them to the recording session?
No. Currently, the emails are pre-configured, and you cannot edit them. However, stay tuned as we work on introducing more features.
8: What is the maximum number of speakers and staff permitted in a recording?
No limits. You can add as many speakers and staff as required.
9: Who can create a recording in Goldcast?
Users with permission to create an event can create a recording. The roles with this permission include organization admin, team admin, event admin, and event editor.
Best Practices
For Producers
Here are a few tips to help optimize your recording sessions:
Tip #1: Plan ahead
Schedule recordings in advance using the Record Later option. Choose an appropriate recording duration (15 minutes to 8 hours), depending on the content and number of speakers. Set up the branding of the recording space before the start time.
Tip #2: Check your hardware
Complete the tech check before the recording session. Test the camera, microphone, and speaker settings and screen sharing. If using virtual backgrounds, share them with all speakers so that everyone has uniform branding.
Tip #3: Familiarize yourself with the tools in the Recording Studio
Understand the different studio tools and tabs. Use the Layout tab to optimize speaker and content arrangement. Utilize the Style tab to customize studio appearance (background, speaker name tags). Toggle between dark and light modes for comfort.
Tip #4: Add speakers and staff
Make sure to invite all speakers. Remember that you can also invite speakers directly from the Recording Studio. Add other team members as producers to assist you with the recording session. There are no restrictions on the number of speakers and staff you can add.
Tip #5: Practise pausing and resuming the recording
Remember, the recorder will capture speakers and content who are on stage. So, remind speakers to go on stage before speaking. Familiarize yourself with the tools in the recording panel: start, stop, pause, and resume. Check the timer at the bottom to see how long you have recorded. And if you overrun the duration, no worries. Goldcast automatically records an extra 30 minutes.
Tip #6: Perform a test recording
Invite all speakers to a brief test session and have each participant turn on their camera and microphone. Check audio clarity and video quality and verify screen sharing functionality. Use the test session to resolve any technical issues before the actual recording.
For Speakers
Here are a few tips for a stellar recording:
Tip #1: Check your hardware
Complete the tech check before going live.
- Select appropriate camera, microphone, and speaker settings. Test audio and video quality.
- Close other browser tabs and applications, especially those that also use your microphone and camera.
- Temporarily turn off firewalls, VPNs. Toggle off browser extensions that might interfere with the recording.
- If you plan to share your screen during the recording, test it in the tech check screen before entering the Recording Studio. You might need to provide additional browser permissions for screen sharing.
- If possible, wear headphones and use an external microphone to reduce echo and improve overall audio quality.
- Ensure you join the recording from a well-lit space. Place the strongest light in the room in front of you, and not behind you to avoid shadows.
Tip #2: Complete your profile
Click the Settings tab on the left panel of the Recording Studio. Review and update your profile details before the recording. Take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the Recording Studio tools and features.
Tip #3: Go on stage when you want to be recorded
Remember that only people and content on stage will be captured in the recording. Goldcast will capture the recording for an additional 30-minutes after the end time, if any content or people are on stage. So, make sure to leave the stage once you finish presenting.