Sending Invites to Speakers


Speakers need to have access to their personal magic link to enter the event they are speaking in. Since the registration confirmation emails are not sent to speakers, organizers need to manually send out these links.

With the help of Goldcast Speaker Instructions template, organizers can now forward respective magic links to all speakers of the event using a few clicks. Below is a preview of what the Speaker Invite email would look like if you are using the default Speaker Instruction template. Each speaker of your event will receive this invite in their mailbox with the merge tags replaced with their personal information.


Using the Goldcast Speaker Instructions Template

Sending event confirmations or reminders to all of your speakers just got simpler! 

  1. Log in to Goldcast Studio with your credentials, and select the Events tab to get a list of all your events. 
  2. From your Event List, click on the event you want to send speaker emails to
  3. Click Registration and then Registrants in the menu on the left side of your event
  4. In the Role column, click the filter icon and select Speaker. This will filter the list to show only the event's speakers.
  5. To select all speakers, click the white square at the top left corner of the table. All speakers are now selected, and at the bottom left, you will see the count of selected speakers.
  6. Click on Send Email at the top of the table and then click Proceed on the pop-up window.
  7. Add an email subject line, and select the template [Speaker] Instructions Goldcast Template from the dropdown. (Or use your own custom template - just make sure you’ve included the magic link macro #### in your template.)
  8. Before sending this email to all your speakers, you can send a test. To test, click the Send Test Email button on the bottom left of the window. Enter your email address or the address of any Goldcast organizer and click Send.
  9. Check your inbox for the mail and make sure the content, formatting and subject of the email looks good to you.
  10. Now, in the Send Custom Email window, verify that you have all the speakers listed and click Send Email.

You will then see a success toast message, and the window will close. 

Creating a custom template for Speaker Invites

The Goldcast default template for speaker invites is designed to be used across events. If you prefer to use a customized template for Speaker invites, you can either create a new template or duplicate the Goldcast template and make the required edits. The template will then appear in the template dropdown list when you send your custom email.

For more information about creating email templates, see Crafting and Scheduling Emails

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