Goldcast Event Engagement Activities


Goldcast provides extensive event engagement tracking by collecting 20 data points for each event user. These data points capture various activities and interactions during the event. Furthermore, Goldcast seamlessly integrates with popular platforms such as HubSpot, Marketo, Salesforce, etc., allowing you to leverage this data by sending it as Custom Activities to your integrated systems.

The collected data can be utilized for lead scoring, targeted email campaigns, and effective follow-ups with event attendees. To gain a deeper understanding of how these activities will sent to your integrated platforms, we recommend referring to the respective integration documentation.

These resources will provide detailed information on how to maximize the benefits of Goldcast's event engagement tracking within your chosen platform.

Event Engagement Activities


A custom activity is sent to your target system when a user registers for an event and status is Registered.


A custom activity is sent to your target system when a user registers for an event with waitlist enabled and status is Waitlisted.


A custom activity is sent to your target system when an admin/organizer changes the status of a user to rejected for an event with waitlist enabled. 


A custom activity is sent to your target system when an admin/organizer changes the status of a user to canceled.


A custom activity is sent to your target system when an event user attends an event.

Event No Show

The event no-show custom activity is sent to your target system when a registered user doesn’t attend the event live or in person (for field/hybrid events). Goldcast triggers this activity two hours after the event’s end time. Currently, we support syncing the no-show information to the following integrations:

  • Marketo 
  • Salesforce 
  • HubSpot
  • Webhooks
  • Pardot 
Integration Custom Activity Name Status Updated As Notes
Marketo Event No Show No Show  Make sure that your connected Marketo Program has the No Show Program Status. 
Salesforce Event No Show Did Not Attend In Salesforce, Did Not Attend is the Campaign Member Status that Goldcast updates to sync no-show information.
HubSpot Event No Show ____



Webhooks Event No Show ____
Pardot Event No Show ____

Attended Session

A custom activity is sent to your target system when an event attendee attends a specific Session during an event.

Attended Booth

A custom activity is sent to your target system when an event attendee visits a specific Booth during an event.

Attended Discussion Room

A custom activity is sent to your target system when an event attendee visits a specific Room during an event. This includes Rooms created at an event level as well as ones created for specific booths.

User Profile Updated

A custom activity is sent to your target system when an event user updates their profile information in Goldcast before entering or during an event. 

Event Polls

A custom activity is sent to your target system when an event attendee responds to a poll in an event along with the response information.

Event Q&A

A custom activity is sent to your target system when an event attendee asks a question during a Q&A session, as well as information as to whether or not the question was answered by a Speaker/ Organizer in your event.

Event CTA Click

A custom activity is sent to your target system when an event attendee clicks the Event CTA(Call-To-Action) button in your event.

Booth CTA Click

A custom activity is sent to your target system when an event attendee clicks the Booth CTA(Call-To-Action) button in your event.

Event Engagement Score

Once an event is completed, Goldcast generates an engagement score (a custom activity) and sends it to your target system. This engagement score can help you measure attendees' level of interaction and interest during the event. 

This score, which is a percentile, ranges from 0 to 10 and is based on scoring criteria defined by Goldcast. The following parameters are included in the engagement score calculation, ordered from most to least weighted: 

  • Q&A asked (Most weighted)
  • Resources clicked 
  • Time spent in session 
  • Poll participation
  • Time spent in the event (Least weighted)

You can use this score further in your integration platforms.

Event Resource Download

A custom activity is sent to your target system when an attendee clicks open any resource associated with an event. 

Event Engagement Time

A custom activity is sent to your target system about the duration an attendee spends in the event(in minutes). This activity syncs to your connected platforms after the event ends.

Event Discussion Rooms Engagement Time

A custom activity is sent to your target system about the duration an attendee spends in a specific Room(in minutes) in your event. This activity syncs to your connected platforms after the event ends.

Event Booths Engagement Time

A custom activity is sent to your target system about the duration an attendee spends in a specific sponsor’s Booth(in minutes) in your event. This activity syncs to your connected platforms after the event ends.

Event Broadcast Engagement Time

A custom activity is sent to your target system about the duration an attendee spends in a specific Session(in minutes) in your event’s agenda. This activity syncs to your connected platforms after the event ends.

Supporting On-Demand Activities

Goldcast allows you to capture and sync On-Demand Activities for various event engagement activities. Event Marketers have the ability to differentiate and filter activities using the Engagement Type synced by Goldcast to their CRMs.

This provides valuable data for workflows and reports, allowing you to gain a clear understanding of user engagement for key activities such as Event CTA and Session Attendance. With this information, you can make informed decisions, tailor your communications, and effectively engage with prospects and accounts.

These activities include:

  1. Attended: When an event user attends an event available On-Demand, a custom activity is sent to your target system with the Engagement Type set as "On-Demand."  
  2. Attended Session: A custom activity is sent to your target system with the Engagement Type set as "On-Demand" when an event user attends a Session available On-Demand.  
  3. Event CTA Click: When an event user clicks the Event CTA button associated with an event available On-Demand, a custom activity is sent with the Engagement Type set as "On-Demand." 
  4. Event Resource Download: When an event user opens a resource linked to an event available On-Demand, a custom activity is sent with the Engagement Type set as "On-Demand."

By utilizing the Engagement Type in your Custom Activities, you can easily differentiate and track user engagement between Live and On-Demand modes. This enables you to take more targeted follow-ups based on user preferences and behavior.

To help you identify the mode of Attendance (LIVE or ON-DEMAND), Goldcast sends a property into your custom activity. You can utilize this field to filter and trigger actions in your integrated platforms.

Please note the following important points:

  • This feature is currently available for integration with HubSpot, Marketo, and Salesforce.
  • If you are an existing Salesforce Integration user, please upgrade to our latest managed package to enable data syncing into your Salesforce instance. Additionally, you will need to manually add the Engagement Type Field to your Page Layout and Reports to view it.
  • If you are an existing Marketo Integration user, ensure that you have "Attended On-Demand" (spelled exactly the same) as a Program Member Status to ensure proper syncing of all custom activities back to Marketo.

To gain a deeper understanding of how On-demand activities will sent to your integrated platforms, we recommend referring to the respective integration documentation.

If you have any queries or concerns regarding the On-Demand data sync, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or our Support team for assistance.

Supporting Waitlisted/Rejected /Canceled Activities

Waitlisted and rejected statuses are only available for waitlisted events, whereas registered and canceled statuses are available for all events. Currently, we support sending waitlist-related custom activities to the following platforms:

  • Salesforce
  • HubSpot
  • Marketo
  • Pardot
  • Eloqua
  • Webhooks

See below table for details on how Goldcast registrant status will reflect in Marketo or Salesforce. 

Integration Custom Activity Name Status Updated as Notes
Marketo Waitlist Waitlisted Make sure that your connected Marketo Program has the Waitlisted program status
Rejected Rejected Make sure that your connected Marketo Program has the Rejected program status
Canceled Canceled Make sure that your connected Marketo Program has the Canceled program status
Salesforce Waitlist Waitlisted Make sure that event is connected to a salesforce campaign.
Rejected Rejected Make sure that event is connected to a salesforce campaign.
Canceled Canceled Make sure that event is connected to a salesforce campaign.

Note: We do not yet support syncing all statuses to Slack and Slack + Salesforce. You won’t receive additional notifications on your Slack channels when a user is waitlisted, rejected or canceled.

Event Engagement Activity Sync Times

Note: The following sync times are indicative and are provided as an estimate. Actual sync times might sometimes vary depending on factors like system load, number of attendees, and activity type. 

Timeline Activity Sync Time
Registered 5 minutes
Waitlisted 5 minutes
Rejected 5 minutes
Canceled 5 minutes
Attended 5 minutes
Attended On Demand 5 minutes
Event No Show 2 hours after the event ends
Attended Session 5 minutes
Attended Booth 5 minutes
Attended Discussion Room 5 minutes
User Profile Updated 5 minutes
Event CTA Click 10 minutes
Booth CTA Click 10 minutes
Event Resource Download 10 minutes
Event Polls 2 hours after the session ends
Event Q&A 2 hours after the session ends
Event Broadcasts Engagement Time 2 hours after the session ends
Event Engagement Time 2 hours after the event ends
Event Discussion Rooms Engagement Time 2 hours after the event ends
Event Booths Engagement Time 2 hours after the event ends
Event Engagement Score 2 hours after the event ends

Note: For field events, Goldcast synchronizes attendee data one hour after the event's end time. For more details, refer to Integration Sync Times for Field Events.

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