Creating Event Registrants via Form Posts


If you'd like to collect event registrations via an external form, you can pass those registrations to your Goldcast event directly using a form post. 

Step 1: Collect the Event ID and Form ID from your Goldcast Event

  1. Login to Goldcast Studio using your credentials.
  2. Select your preferred event from the Events list. 
  3. Once you’re in the Event dashboard, click Integrations on the left sidebar, and scroll to the About This Event section. 
  4. Copy-paste the Goldcast Form ID and Event ID in Notepad or any other word-processing software. Both these fields are essential for a successful registration post. 
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Step 2: Send an HTTPS POST Request to the Registration Endpoint

Once you have collected the Goldcast Form ID and Goldcast Event ID, you can make posts to the endpoint below. 

The Body Type of the request must be `form-data`.

Take note of the fields that are required.

Goldcast Event Form Post

Send Event Registrations to your Goldcast Event via external forms and collection methods.

Body form-data

First Name of the Goldcast Event User
Last Name of the Goldcast Event User
Email Address of the Goldcast Event User
Event ID of the Goldcast Event
Form ID of the Goldcast Event
company Company Name of Goldcast Event User
title Job Title of Goldcast Event User
linkedin_url LinkedIn URL of Goldcast Event User

The ticket type associated for an Event User

Note: this field is only applicable to events that have groups/ticket types set up.

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