Duplicating Events

Duplicating events is helpful when you have one event occurring on multiple dates or if you have highly similar events with just a few minor differences. 

How to duplicate an event

  1. Log in to Goldcast Studio with your credentials.
  2. Click the hamburger icon on the top left and select the Events tab to get a list of all your events.
  3. In the Events list, click the event you’d like to duplicate. This brings you to the Event dashboard. 
  4. Click the Edit icon on the right. 
  5. Scroll down the Edit Event drawer and click the Duplicate Event button. 
  6. Enter the name of your New Event. 
  7. Select the start time, date, and timezone of the new event.
  8. Click Duplicate.

You will land on the new event’s Event Dashboard and can edit the event as needed

What is not duplicated?

The following settings and information are not copied over when an event is duplicated:

Details Date, Time, and Timezone*
Registrants Registrants**
Sessions - RTMP Settings RTMP sessions and channels will be created, but each channel will have a new Stream URL and Stream Key. These will need to be recopied to your third-party streaming service.
Session Redirection Settings All duplicated events have the session redirection strategy set to Automatic by default, even if the original event has Manual mode selected. 
Integrations - Hubspot, Marketo, Salesforce, Slack, Slack + Salesforce, Eloqua, Pardot, Webhooks Settings and Activities
Integrations - Drift Chat Bot and Landing Page settings
Integrations - Wistia Project 
Event Repeating Frequency If you duplicate a repeating event, the repeating frequency doesn't get carried over. 

* Date, Time and Time zone are set by you when duplicating an event.

**Anyone registered for the event you are duplicating will not be automatically registered for your new event.

What gets duplicated?

Besides the settings mentioned above, all other event information, assets, and settings, including:

  • Registration page and form
  • Agenda
  • Speakers
  • Rooms and booths
  • Assets like slides, videos, polls, surveys, resources
  • Engagement settings
  • Event branding, including look & feel settings
  • Email settings
  • Vanity URLs
  • Tracking pixels

Are copied over to the new event. 

Tip: Be sure to review the Look & Feel section to double-check that the branding for the duplicated event has the correct assets. For instance, the social media image might need to be updated to match the new date & time. 

To know the differences between duplicating events and templates, see our guide on Using Templates vs. Duplication

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