Creating an Event Template

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Goldcast templates help you set up events faster and with less effort. Create a template aligned with your brand style including fonts, colors, logos, images, your event emails, event settings, and more.

When creating events, you can apply your template and your new event will automatically have its registration page, sign-up form, emails, stage look and feel, and settings all complete. You can create and save multiple templates in Goldcast for different series, types of events, or various branded styles. You can have one template for your weekly product demos, one template for your monthly customer training session, one template for your town halls, as well as much more.

Note: Keep in mind that edits made to templates will only apply to events created from the template going forward. Changes to templates will not affect events that have already been created. 

Create a Template

To create a template: 

  1. Click the button at the top right of the screen and select the New Template option.
  2. In the New Template pop-up that opens up, give your template a name and a description (optional).
  3. Click Create to complete the action. 

You will land on your Template Overview. This is where you can see a summary of the sections of your template. 

Duplicate a Template

To duplicate a template: 

  • Log in to Goldcast Studio using your credentials, and click Templates on the left navigation bar.
  • Select your preferred template from the list and click the Edit button on the top right.
  • In the Edit Template drawer, click the Duplicate Template button. 
  • Click Duplicate

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Templates include three main sections: RegistrationLook & Feel, and Email


To set up registration, click Registration in the menu on the left side of the screen.

There are three sections within Registration: Registration Page, Registration Form, and Registration Email. 

Registration Page

Event registration pages are the first touchpoint your audience has for your event. You can edit your registration page to align with your event and company branding and share important information with your audience. 

To create a registration page, click the Edit button above the page preview. This opens the Goldcast Page Builder. For detailed instructions on how to use the Goldcast Page Builder, read more here. 

Once you have completed your page design, click Save, then OK. To return to editing the other sections of your template, click Close

Registration Form

The registration form will be used on the registration page to collect information about every event registrant. Goldcast forms allow you to customize fields based on the needs of your event. 

To edit the registration form, click the Edit button above the form preview. This opens the Goldcast Form Editor. 

The default form includes First Name, Last Name, and Email. These fields are required on all Goldcast forms and cannot be removed. You can add additional fields to collect information from your registrants, create conditional logic, collect UTM tracking, and more. 

To add additional fields, drag and drop them from the list on the left into your draft form on the right. 

To edit a form field, hover over it, select its edit icon 1717065033070-487b3c0e-8fd1-4ab0-96ad-91f8e1048174 (52×52). A window will appear. From here, you can make changes as needed. 

For detailed instructions on how to set up a Goldcast Form, read more here. 

Once you have completed your form, click Save, then OK. To return to editing the other sections of your template, click Close

Registration Email

The registration email is the email confirmation your registrants will receive after they register to attend your event. 

To customize the design, content and settings of this email, click the Edit button above the email preview. 

Here you can choose the email settings, including: 

  • turning the registration confirmation email on or off.
  • enabling the calendar invitation.
  • edit the email subject line.
  • select an email template.

To send a test email, enter email addresses separated by a comma in the test email field, then click Send

To add or edit an email template, click Save to save your changes. Then navigate to the Email --> Templates tab using the left panel.

To update an existing email template, click on the template in the list. This will open the Goldcast Email Editor.
For detailed instructions on editing emails, read more here.

To add a new email template, click the New Template button in the top right corner. 

  • Choose Create Template if you’d like to create an email template inside the Goldcast Email Editor. Give your email template a name and build your template in the Goldcast Email Editor. 
  • Choose Upload HTML if you’d like to import an HTML template from your computer. If you need to make any edits to your HTML template, you will need to import a new template.

Calendar Invite

Guests receive a calendar invite when they sign up for an event. When creating a template, you can turn it on/off or customize it as per your requirements. 

Follow these steps to customize the calendar invite: 

  • Open your preferred template and navigate to the Email section using the left sidebar. 
  • Click the Registration email and scroll to the Include Calendar Invite Email toggle. Turn it on/off as required. 
  • Use the Location and Description text fields to customize the invite. 
  • Click Save in the upper right corner. 

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Refer to our Guide on Customizing Calendar Invites for more instructions on configuring the calendar invite to suit your event’s needs. 

Look & Feel

Create your event landing page, stage and engagement options. These branding elements will give your event a cohesive look and feel. The Look & Feel section of your template will be applied to any event you create using this template.

To update your template Look & Feel click Look & Feel in the menu on the left side of the screen.

On the right side of this page is a list of all the customization options. On the left is the preview window, where you can see how your branding choices will look in your event. These screens are representative of the themes across multiple Goldcast pages, including your event landing page, event stage, and other tabs inside your event, including the agenda, rooms, and booths. 

Previewing and Saving Your Changes

After you have made the changes to the Look & Feel section, you can check your changes in the Preview Window and confirm the appearance of both the Desktop and Mobile views. You can do so by selecting the Desktop or Mobile Preview buttons at the top right of the page.

Click the Save button when you are satisfied with your changes.

Note: If you do not click Save, your changes will not be displayed on your event.

For detailed instructions on how to use the Look & Feel section, read more here. 


After an individual is registered for an event, you can choose for them to receive reminder emails for that event. The email schedule that you choose in your template will be applied to events created using that template. 

To edit the email templates and schedule, click Email in the menu on the left side of your event.  

Goldcast’s scheduled emails can be sent: 1 week, 2 days, 1 day, 12 hours, 4 hours, 1 hour, and/or 5 minutes before your event begins. You can choose which reminders to send, update email subject lines and templates, and send custom emails as needed. 

You can also manage your email templates and edit the design and content to reflect your events. 

For detailed instructions on how to use the Email Schedule & Templates sections, read more here. 

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Captions and Subtitles

By default, the captions and subtitles feature is turned off for newly created templates. However, you can edit the template to turn on captions and subtitles. In this case, the template passes the caption/subtitles settings to any new events created from it. 

To turn on captions and subtitles:

  • Navigate to your preferred template, and click the Edit button on the right.
  • Scroll down and turn on/off the captions and subtitles toggles.
  • Click Save

Creating an Event using a Template

Now that you’ve created your template, you can create an event using your template. Applying your template to your new event will automatically set up its registration page, registration form, emails, event branding, and settings. 

There are two ways to create an event from a template. 

Method 1

  1. Log in to Goldcast Studio with your credentials.
  2. Click the Templates tab on the left navigation bar to get a list of all your templates. 
  3. From the Templates list, click the template you’d like to use. 
  4. Click the New Event button on the right side of the screen.                                  
  5. Enter your event title, date and time, and click Create.

Method 2

You can also create an event from a template directly from the Goldcast homepage: 

  1. Log in to Goldcast Studio with your credentials.
  2. Click the icon on the top right and choose New Event
  3. In the New Event popup, select a template from the Template dropdown. 
  4. Enter your event title, date and time, and click Create.
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Now that your template has been applied, all you have to do is add your event program information, speakers, and content and confirm your integration settings - and your event is ready to go! 

Creating a Template from an Existing Event

Creating a template of a past event helps to reuse its custom branding, design, layout, and settings for future events. Follow these steps to build a template from an existing event:

  1. Log in to Goldcast Studio with your credentials.
  2. Click the Events tab to get a list of all your events. 
  3. From the Events list, select the event you'd like to use. 
  4. Click on the Edit Event button and scroll down to select the Create Template button. 
  5. In the pop-up, provide a suitable name for your template. You can also describe it in a few words (optional). Click the Create button to complete the action. 

You have now successfully created a template from a past event. You can now apply this template to any future events you organize. All newly created templates are available under the Templates section of the Goldcast Studio. 

Heads up! Templates created from webinars powered by Smart Event Tech will also include an on-demand section, which duplicates the on-demand page settings from the original webinar. 



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