Tips for Formatting Your Custom Slack Messages

As part of our Slack + Salesforce integration, you can include custom messages to send along with Slack notifications. Formatting these messages helps to add clarity and context. 

Use these tips to format your Slack messages.


Formatting Description Example
Bold Surround your text with asterisks (*) *example*
Italicize Surround your text with underscores (_) _example_
Strikethrough text Surround your text with tildes (~) ~example~
A single-word or single-line code Surround your text with a single backtick (`) `inline code block`
Code block Surround your text with three backticks (```) ```inline code block```

Slack hyperlinks URLs without any additional formatting. However, to display a link text instead of the URL:

Type an open angle bracket (<), the URL link, a pipe character (|), the link text and a closing angle bracket (>). 

Example: <| Link Text>

New lines

To add a new line to your custom message, just press the return (enter) key. 

Note: You can enter only a single new line. Two or more consecutive new lines are not supported. 


Yes, you can include emojis in your custom message. Just surround the emoji's name in colons (:). 

Example - :thumbs-up:

Mentions and notifications

  • To mention a user: Type an open angle bracket, the at symbol (@), the user’s slack member ID, and a closing angle bracket. <@U05GVVXN2GB>
  • To notify everyone in the workspace via the #general channel: Type an open angle bracket, an exclamation point (!), “everyone,” and a closing angle bracket. <!everyone>
  • To notify active members in a specific channel: Type an open angle bracket, an exclamation point (!), “here,” and a closing angle bracket. <!here>
  • To notify all members of a user group: Type an open angle bracket, an exclamation point (!), type in “subteam,” a caret symbol (^), the user group ID, and a closing angle bracket. <!subteam^abcde12345>

To find a user’s Slack member ID

  • Select the user’s Slack profile
  • Click the three dots icon and click copy member ID. 

To find a user group ID

  • Open Slack in your web browser.
  • Select People & User Groups from the left-hand menu.
  • In the People window, select the User Groups tab.
  • Select the user group you want to mention.
  • In the web page URL, copy the alphanumeric ID that follows /user_groups/. This is the user group ID.

Heads up! Your workspace might not allow notifications to @here or @everyone. Contact your administrator to verify if group notifications are allowed. 

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