Enabling Tiered Sponsor Booths


Event organizers can create up to three tiers for sponsor booths in their event. This tier assignment will control the booth cover image and logo display sizes on the event and registration pages respectively. Tier 1 booths will have the large images, Tier 2 booths medium images, and Tier 3 small images(see sample images below). 

Based on these tiers, there are no restrictions on what the Booth can include - for example videos or images or booth CTAs. Sponsors will still be able to include all these assets when editing their booths.

As an organizer managing tiered sponsor booths, you can manually restrict access to certain features, like Booth CTA or video play by defining restrictions, collecting the assets from sponsors, and then setting up the booths yourself. 

Enabling tiers

  1. Open Goldcast Studio and select the Events tab to get a list of all your events. 
  2. From the Events List, select the event to which you’d like to add Booths
  3. Navigate to Program --> Booths using the left panel
  4. Click Settings in the top right corner of the screen
  5. Turn on the booth tiers toggle
  6. Rename your tiers by clicking on the name 
  7. Click Save in the upper right corner of the screen

Adding a booth to a tier

  1. Click on the booth name to open it
  2. Select the tier from the Tiers dropdown
  3. Click Save in the upper right corner of the screen

Heads up! If your sponsors are editing their own booths, they cannot update the assigned tier.


If there are no booths added to a tier, that tier will not display in the event page or registration page. If tiers are enabled for an event, it is recommended to always have booths added to a minimum of two tiers. Tiers can be assigned to both the primary booth and second booth tabs. 

Reordering booths within a tier

  1. Click the two lines on the right side of the booth tile and drag and drop it
  2. Booths can only be reordered within their tier. To move a booth to a different tier: 
    1. Click the booth to open it
    2. Scroll to the Tier field
    3. Select a different tier from the dropdown
    4. Click Save

Disabling Tiers

  1. Open Goldcast Studio, and select the Events tab to get a list of all your events. 
  2. From the Events List, select the event to which you’d like to add Booths
  3. Navigate to Program --> Booths using the left panel
  4. Click Settings in the top right corner of the screen
  5. Turn off the booth tiers toggle
  6. Click Save in the upper right corner of the screen

If you disable tiers after assigning them, and then re-enable tiers later, your tier assignments will be maintained. 

Booth Tiers View in the Event

In this example below, you can see what booth tiers look like inside the Booths tab of your event. In this example, the tiers are “Gold,” “Silver,” and “Bronze.”

You can see that the Gold tier is on top and those booths are the largest. Silver is in the middle, and Bronze is at the bottom and those tiers are the smallest. 

Booth Tiers View on the Registration Page

On Goldcast’s default registration pages for an event, you may choose to have sponsor logos appear. If you have tiers enabled, your logos will appear in their respective tier section, with the first tier the largest and the bottom tier the smallest. 

For the best experience, it is recommended to use logos with 1:1 aspect ratio.

If there is no logo uploaded for a booth, it will not be displayed on the registration page.

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