How to Create Booths

Plan Availability Starter Pro Premium Enterprise

For customers with contracts starting March 2024 or later, feature availability is based on your pricing tier. If interested, contact your CSM or our Sales Team to discuss pricing options. 


Booths on the Goldcast platform can be used in a few different ways: 

  1. Sponsor booths highlight your event sponsors and enable them to share content and have live conversations with event attendees, similar to a conference expo table.
  2. Share a video or other content you'd like attendees to access on-demand. For more information about sharing on-demand videos, read our guide on On-demand event mode.
  3. Promote content from your company about recent product launches, offerings, and more.
  4. Highlight community organizations by giving them a way to showcase their resources and a place to network.

Booth Assets

You'll need these assets to customize your booth:

Asset Type Specifications

Aspect Ratio (1:1)

Type: PNG

Booth Cover

Aspect Ratio (2:1)

Type: PNG or JPG

Booth Cover Video

Aspect Ratio (16:9)

Type: MP4

For detailed specifications, refer to our Guide on Image and Video Specifications

Setting up booths

You can set up booths for your event yourself or invite vendors/sponsors to do it themselves. To invite others to do so, check out this section of the document below. 

Creating a Booth

  1. Log in to Goldcast Studio with your credentials.
  2. Click the hamburger icon on the top left and select the Events tab to get a list of all your events.                          
  3. From the Events list, click the event you want to edit.
  4. Click Program --> Booths using the left panel. 
  5. Click the New Booth button on the upper right corner of the screen.
  6. Enter a name for your booth (required).
  7. Under Cover Media, select “Image” if you’d like to have only an image, or select “Video + Image” if you’d like to have both. These are the assets that will appear at the top of the booth when people enter.
    • Click Upload Image and select a file from your computer, click Open, then click Upload. (optional).
    • Click Add Video and either select a video you’ve previously used or upload a new video by clicking + Upload Video. (optional).
  8. Click Create.

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Second booth tab

You have the option to create a second booth tab in your event. This may be useful if you want to separate your booths into two groups - for example, sponsor booths and company content. 

To add a second booth tab: 

  1. Click the purple Add Second Booth Tab button.
  2. Now you can click New Booth in the second booth tab section.
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  3. To move a previously created booth to the second booth tab, open the booth by clicking on it, then click “Second booth tab” at the top and click Save.

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Editing a Booth 

To edit a booth: 

  1. Click on the booth in the booth list.
  2. If you have more than one booth tab in this event, select the “Primary” or “Secondary” booth tab.
  3. Add a booth description. 
  4. Upload a logo that will appear on your booth (great for sponsor’s logos promotion). 

Heads Up! If there is no description, Goldcast will, by default, display "Join a booth to know more about a sponsor" on the booth page in your event space. If you don't want this to be displayed, make sure to add your preferred description. 

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Enable a custom CTA 

This allows attendees to request additional information or follow up with the booth sponsor

  1. Log in to Goldcast Studio with your credentials.
  2. Click the hamburger icon on the top left, and select the Events tab to get a list of all your events.                          
  3. From the Events list, click the event you want to edit.
  4. Click Program --> Booths using the left panel and select the booth you wish to edit.
  5. In the Edit Booth popup, turn the Booth CTA toggle on.
  6. Add a button text, confirmation title, and confirmation message.
  7. Click Save to complete the action.
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Booth Rooms

You can add rooms inside booths, which allow a booth representative to connect on video with event attendees. 

To add rooms: 

  1. Log in to Goldcast Studio with your credentials.
  2. Click the hamburger icon on the top left, and select the Events tab to get a list of all your events.                          
  3. From the Events list, click the event you want to edit.
  4. Click Program --> Booths using the left panel and select the booth you wish to edit.
  5. Click the arrow next to Rooms to open the section.
  6. Click +Add Room.
  7. Enter a room name, capacity (up to 29), cover image, and tags (optional).
  8. Click Save.

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If you want to access booth room recordings, reach out to our support team, and we can retrieve them for you. 


Upload supplemental materials for booth visitors to download or save. These can be URLs or files. 

To add a resource: 

  1. Log in to Goldcast Studio with your credentials.
  2. Click the hamburger icon on the top left, and select the Events tab to get a list of all your events.                          
  3. From the Events list, click the event you want to edit.
  4. Click Program --> Booths using the left panel and select the booth you wish to edit. 
  5. Open the Resources section by clicking the arrow on the right side.
  6. To upload a document, click Upload Resource, select your file, give the document a name, and click Save.
  7. To add a URL, click + Add Resource, and enter the name of your resource and the URL.
  8. Click Save.
  9. To remove a resource, click on the resource in the list and click Remove.

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Reorder booths

To reorder the way the booths show up in the event, click the two lines on the right side of the booth and drag and drop it into the order you prefer. 

Manage booth tab settings

  1. Log in to Goldcast Studio with your credentials.
  2. Click the hamburger icon on the top left, and select the Events tab to get a list of all your events.                          
  3. From the Events list, click the event you want to edit.                                        
  4. Click Program --> Booths using the left panel.
  5. Click Settings in the top right corner of the screen to open the Booth Settings popup.
  6. Turn off the Show Booth toggle to hide this booth tab from your event. 
  7. Rename your Booth tab (for example, “Expo” or “Sponsors”) and add a description.
  8. Enable booth chat to have a separate chat thread inside each booth.
  9. Enable or disable booth rooms - you can hide or show booth rooms at any time during the event. This can be helpful if booths are not being manned for certain times of the event and you’d like to hide them.
  10. Click Save in the upper right corner of the screen.

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Booth Tiers

You have the option to display booths in up to three tiers. This can be helpful if you have different sponsor levels, for example. Booths in the first tier will appear the largest, booths in the second tier will appear slightly smaller, and booths in the third tier will appear the smallest. 

If there is a tier with no booths in it, that tier will not appear inside your event. 

To enable tiers

  1. Log in to Goldcast Studio with your credentials.
  2. Click the hamburger icon on the top left, and select the Events tab to get a list of all your events.                          
  3. From the Events list, click the event you want to edit.                                        
  4. Click Program --> Booths using the left panel. 
  5. Click Settings in the top right corner of the screen to open the Booth Settings popup.
  6. Turn on the booth tiers toggle.
  7. Rename your tiers by clicking on the name. 
  8. Click Save in the upper right corner of the screen.

To add a booth to a tier: 

  1. Click on the booth name to open it.
  2. Select the tier from the Tiers dropdown.
  3. Click Save in the upper right corner of the screen.

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Invite a sponsor/vendor to set up a booth

You can invite representatives from sponsor or vendor companies to set up their booths on their own. 

  1. First, you must create a booth by clicking the New Booth button.
  2. Add a booth name, select Image or Video and Image as the cover media, and click Create.
  3. Click on the booth to edit.
  4. At the top of the window, click the icon to copy the sponsor link. 
    • This is not available for test events.
  5. Send the link to the person you'd like to set up the booth. 
    • They will register to edit the booth and be registered for the event at the same time. 
    • You may also wish to share these instructions on setting up a booth with them.
    • You may share the link with multiple people from the same organization, but please note only the most recent changes to the booth will be saved. 

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Pro Tip: If you're inviting sponsors to set up their booth in Goldcast, make sure to share this guide with them for step-by-step instructions

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