What types of events can I organize on Goldcast?

Goldcast is most commonly used for Community Events, Virtual Conferences, Virtual Summits, Internal Team Kickoffs, Product Launches, In-person meetups, Hybrid Events, and more. However, you can truly build your own adventure on Goldcast and hold an interactive webinar, job fair, or workshop on our platform.

You have the option to create and share these events in a few different ways: 

  1. Virtual Events: These can include:
    • Live: Live and pre-recorded content during your session
    • Pre-recorded: All pre-recorded content for the session 
    • RTMP In: Stream content into the Goldcast platform
    • RTMP Out: Live stream content from the Goldcast platform  
  2. Field Events: These are in-person events held at a physical location. 
  3. Hybrid Events: A mix of both virtual and in-person events. 

Let's dig more into each of these directly below.


Live stream content is what a lot of us are currently used to. It is content presented and delivered in real time. However, you may also incorporate pre-recorded content as needed. This content works best when:

  • You are sharing a pre-recorded event but still want to incorporate audience questions and/or polling at the beginning or end
  • You want to incorporate audience questions throughout the event
  • You'd like to poll the audience 
  • You'd like to share a sponsor trailer, product launch overview, or some other sort of video during your session 


Pre-recorded is content that is 100% pre-recorded. This content works best when you want to produce an event with little to no interaction from the audience (i.e., no live video Q&A and no polls, though text Q&A is still available). Uploading the content in this form, however, will make it look like it was provided to attendees in real-time. 


RTMP In works best when your event is taking place in some other location - either on Facebook, YouTube, Zoom, or an in-person event - but you want to share that with a larger audience and provide your virtual attendees with an interactive experience. This content works best when:

  • Your event is in-person, but you want to provide attendees with an interactive experience
  • Your speakers feel more comfortable speaking on Zoom, and you want to stream that content into the platform
  • You're live streaming content to LinkedIn and Zoom but want to connect your audience in one interactive platform


RTMP Out works best when your event is taking place on Goldcast, but you also want to make it accessible to an audience on other platforms. On Goldcast, we can live stream to YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, or other platforms.

For more information on setting up each of these types of sessions, see our guide on Setting up your event agenda

Field Events

Goldcast's field events are an excellent choice when you want to host in-person events that encourage face-to-face interactions. To learn more, refer to our guide on Getting Started with Field Events in Golcast

Hybrid Events

Hybrid Events bridge the gap between virtual and in-person events. They provide an engaging way for attendees to participate, irrespective of whether they're ten feet from the stage or tuning in from the other side of the world. To learn more, check out our guide on Setting up Hybrid Events in Goldcast

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