Registration Setup

Goldcast offers three ways to collect registrations for your event: 

1. Via Goldcast Event Registration Page

Every Goldcast event has its own Registration page, which can be managed in the Registration section in Goldcast Studio. To collect registrations using Goldcast's registration page, you'll need to first:

Build a Registration Form

  1. Log in to Goldcast Studio with your credentials, select the Events tab to get a list of all your events, and click the event for which you want to set up registration.
  2. Click Registration → Page & Form on the left sidebar.
  3. Scroll to the Registration Form section and click the Edit button. 
  4. This opens the Registration Form Builder. You can customize your form by adding, removing, and renaming fields, as required. 
  5. Click Save.

Heads Up! EmailFirst Name, and Last Name are always required for a Goldcast registration form.


Based on your requirements, you can drag and drop additional fields from the left side panel.

For more information on setting up the Goldcast registration form, see Creating and Editing Registration Form.

Set up the registration page

Once you've set up the registration form, the next step is to create your registration page:

  1. Log into Goldcast Studio and select the event you’d like to edit.
  2. Click Registration → Page & Form on the left sidebar.
  3. Scroll to the Registration Page section and click the Edit button. 

  4. This opens the Registration Page Builder
  5. The default registration page already has added sections. You can customize it further by changing the fonts, colors, images, etc. 
  6. Once you are on the Registration Page Builder, on the left side of the page, you will see the Editor. Here, you can see your page's blocks —add new blocks, edit, hide and remove blocks, and change the global page settings.

For more information, see Building a Goldcast Registration Page.

If you prefer to use Goldcast’s default registration page instead of the Page Builder: 

  1. Click Registration → Page & Form on the left sidebar.
  2. Turn on the Use Basic registration page toggle located below the registration page preview.
  3. Click the Edit Default Reg Page button above the page preview. 

  4. As per your requirements, enable the Page Content toggles: Speakers, Booths & Sponsors, Agenda, and Share Button. 
  5. Click Save.

Once the registration page has been set up, click the Registration Page hyperlink to preview your page in your browser. This is the page you will share to invite people to register for your event. 

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You can also access the registration page link from the event menu on the left side of your screen. 

2. Manual Registration

In addition to using the registration page and form, you can also manually upload registrants to the event using Goldcast Studio. 

Single Registration

To register one user at a time, follow the below steps:

  1. Click Registration → Registrants on the left sidebar. This displays the Registrants Table for your event. 
  2. Click the dropdown Add and select New Registrant

  3. This opens the Create Registrant window.
  4. Enter the registrant details: First NameLast NameEmail.
  5. Click Create.

Heads Up! When you add a registrant manually, they get automatically registered for this event. If you have event email notifications and/or calendar invites set up for this event, they will receive them as soon as you click Create in the previous step. To change your email and calendar invite settings, check out our guide on Setting Up Email Schedule



Bulk Registration

Bulk registration allows you to add multiple registrants in one go. It enables you to upload multiple emails at once rather than having to enter the information for each individual. For more information, check out this step-by-step guide on bulk uploading registrants

3. External Platform Registration

If you'd like to collect event registrations using an external platform, you can pass those registrations to your Goldcast event directly using a form post via webhooks. This will allow you to import registrations created in another platform to your Goldcast event. Currently, we support form and webhook registrations for SalesforceHubspotMarketoSplashEloqua, and Zapier, among other platforms.

We recommend this method of registration for users who:

  • Maintain their contacts lists on another platform.
  • Plan on embedding a registration form from an external platform on their website.

See the linked help docs above for further instructions on setting up these registration methods. 

We know how easy it is to lose track of your unique event login link (magic link) and scramble on event day to recover it. Or, if you are an event organizer, how tedious it is to manually re-send unique links to registrants who've reached out because they lost theirs.

Registrants can recover their event links on their own by resubmitting the registration form using the email they initially registered with. Re-registering will send another registration confirmation email containing an event link to their inbox.

Alternatively, an organizer can re-send the registration email containing the event link to a user by re-registering them with the manual single registration method described above in this doc.

Note: If a user re-registers with different user data, the new data submitted will not override the information provided on the initial form submission. This process is only a self-serve way to get another event link, not a way to update registration data. 



Heads up! Re-registration is not supported through third-party registration methods. A user must fill out a Goldcast form to receive another registration email. Additionally, a user can only re-register a specific number of times, and there is a 5-minute cool-down period between re-registration attempts.




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