Character Limits for Text Fields

While using Goldcast Studio, you’ll find that most text fields with character limits have the maximum word count mentioned above the field. However, there may be a few fields that do not have this information. 

To help you, we have provided a quick reference guide to the character limits of different text fields in Goldcast Studio. 

Field Name Character Count
Title 255
Description No limit
Location (For Hybrid and In-Person Events) 255
Tag 255
Session - Name 127
Session - Description 1500
Session - Location (For Hybrid and In-Person Events) 225
Go To Rooms - Title 127
Go To Rooms - Description 1500
Go To Booths - Title 127
Go To Booths - Description 1500
Break - Title 127
Break - Description 1500
Session Assets


  • Email
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Title
  • Organization/Company
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter

255 (for each field)
Speaker - Description 1500
Slides - Title 255
Video - Title 255
Survey - Title 255
Survey - Description No limit
Survey - Question No limit
Poll - Question No limit
Resources - Name 127
Resources - URL 1024
Name 127
Description 1500
CTA - Button Text 20
CTA - Confirmation Title 50
CTA - Confirmation Message No limit
Name 127
Look & Feel 
CTA Button
Button Text 27
Confirmation Title 120
Confirmation Message 350
Navigation - Tab Titles
  • Rooms Tab
  • Booths Tab
  • Speakers Tab
  • Attendees Tab
50 (for each field)
Subject 127
Sender Name 255
Location (For Hybrid/In-person Events) 255
Title 255
Description 1500
Pages (Hubs)
Title 255
Meta Description No limit
Title 255
Description 1500
Vanity URL 600
Tracking pixels/tags 2000
Webhook - Name 127

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