CAPTCHA Auto-Enabled for Goldcast Registration Forms

By default, the CAPTCHA feature is auto-enabled for all Goldcast webinar and event registration forms. This article highlights the importance of CAPTCHA and clarifies any questions about this feature. 

How does CAPTCHA work in Goldcast?

CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing Test) helps to differentiate between human users and bots. We use Cloudflare Turnstile to authenticate if page visitors are human and keep malicious spambots from registering for events. 

Turnstile is Cloudflare’s smart alternative to CAPTCHA. It delivers a seamless and secure web browsing experience. It helps to confirm if visitors are real without requiring them to fill frustrating visual challenges.

This feature is auto-enabled on all Goldcast webinar and event registration pages by default. However, it will be displayed only when we detect suspicious activity on your page. 

  1. Goldcast uses Cloudflare’s algorithms to monitor suspicious activity on your registration pages. 
  2. The CAPTCHA field will appear on the registration form only if the system detects any unusual activity.              
  3. The user must click the checkbox to verify they’re human. Cloudflare executes background JavaScripts to gather signals about the visitor’s browser environment.  
  4. Only users who pass the checks in the previous step can submit the registration form. 
  5. This keeps bots and other malicious software from creating fake registrations that disrupt your data.

Why did Goldcast auto-enable CAPTCHA?

This feature will help secure your registration pages from spam and malicious attacks. We aim to ensure that only legitimate users register for your events, providing you with genuine registration data and analytics.


1. Is CAPTCHA auto-enabled for all Goldcast registration forms?

Yes. Currently, CAPTCHA is available for all webinar and event registration forms. However, this is not yet available for series and repeating events registration forms. 

2. What questions/challenges will be shown on the CAPTCHA?

Cloudflare uses technologies like proof-of-space, proof-of-work, probing for web APIs and other challenges to detect and identify human behavior. Ideally, visitors will not see any visual puzzles. All they’ll have to do is select the checkbox to initiate the background checks verifying they’re human. This delivers a superior experience to site visitors without frustrating them with visual challenges. 

3. How does it impact user accessibility?

Turnstile is WCAG 2.1 AA compliant and is accessible via the keyboard, just like other fields on the Goldcast registration form. So it doesn’t impact existing user accessibility on your Goldcast registration page

4. Why can't I see the CAPTCHA on my registration form?

CAPTCHA will be displayed only when Cloudflare detects suspicious activity on your registration page. Cloudflare uses its algorithms to check if an IP address/client is a threat, and displays the CAPTCHA based on it. 

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