Changing the Timing of Follow-Up Emails

Goldcast allows you to schedule an event follow-up email to attendees and non-attendees. Currently, this email is sent 24 hours after your event ends, and you cannot customize the email delivery time. 

However, there might be situations where you want to send a follow-up email right after the event ends or before/after the 24-hour mark. The workaround for dealing with such scenarios is sending a custom email at your preferred time. 

Follow these steps to send a follow-up email at your desired time: 

  1. Log into Goldcast Studio and open your preferred event. 
  2. Navigate to the Registration → Registrants tab using the left side panel.
  3. Filter attendees/non-attendees using the Attended column in the Registrants table.
  4. If you've enabled the waitlist for this event, you can also filter registrants using their status. This is helpful when you want to send the follow-up email only to those with specific statuses such as registered, canceled, waitlisted, or rejected.   
  5. Select all users, and unselect organizers and speakers as per your requirements. 
  6. Click the Send Email button at the top of the table. 
  7. Type the Email Subject, and select your preferred Email template
  8. We recommend sending a test email to yourself to verify if the email content and design are rendered as expected. 
  9. Click Send Email to send the custom attendee/non-attendee follow-up email at your desired time. 

Heads up! If you’re sending a custom follow-up email, make sure to turn off the 24-hour reminders to avoid sending the same one multiple times.

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