When Is the On-Demand Email Sent?

The on-demand email is sent whenever users submit their information on the on-demand page before accessing the content on it. Here are the scenarios when this email is sent:

For Webinars


No on-demand email since users can view content without submitting their information. 


On-demand Email Toggle

On-demand Email Sent



Heads up! When a webinar goes into on-demand mode, Goldcast automatically turns off the registration email toggle. You can turn it back on if required. 



For Single- or Multi-Session Events

Here’s what happens when a single- or multi-session event goes into on-demand mode: 

On-demand Email Toggle

On-demand Email Sent



Registration email will NOT be sent even if it is on.


Registration email WILL be sent if it is on. 


Pro Tip: Once the event goes into on-demand mode, we recommend turning off the registration email toggle for single- and multi-session events to avoid sending multiple emails. 




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