Merge Tags Cheat Sheet

List of merge tags to use in Goldcast emails.

Goldcast offers a variety of merge tags that enable you to include dynamic information in your emails and calendar invites. These tags are essentially placeholders that get substituted with user or event data in the emails you send through the Goldcast platform.

The list below outlines all the merge tags currently available in Goldcast. You can use them in your email templates to personalize the emails according to your preferences. 

For Emails of Virtual Events

Merge Tag To Display
#### Event Magic Link
##title Event Name
##description Event Description
##date Event Date and Time
##first_name Recipient's First Name
##last_name Recipient's Last Name
##$$ Calendar Link
##unsubscribe_link Unsubscribe Link
##verbose_name Event Name (Note: This macro can be used only in the email subject line, and will NOT work in the email body). 

For Emails of Field Events

Merge Tag To Display
##checkin_qrcode Check-in QR Code  
##event_location Event Location  
##title Event Name
##description Event Description
##date Event Date and Time
##first_name Recipient's First Name
##last_name Recipient's Last Name
##$$ Calendar Link
##unsubscribe_link Unsubscribe Link
##verbose_name Event Name (Note: This macro can be used only in the email subject line, and will NOT work in the email body). 

For Emails of Hybrid Events

Merge Tag To Display
#### Event Magic Link
##event_location Event Location
##title Event Name
##description Event Description
##date Event Date and Time
##first_name Recipient's First Name
##last_name Recipient's Last Name
##$$ Calendar Link
##unsubscribe_link Unsubscribe Link
##verbose_name Event Title (Note: This macro can be used only in the email subject line, and will NOT work in the email body). 

For Series Emails

Merge Tag To Display
##series_title Series Name
##series_description Series Description
##entrance Entrance Link
##title Event Name
##description Event Description
##date Event Date and Time
##first_name Recipient's First Name
##last_name Recipient's Last Name
##$$ Calendar Link
##unsubscribe_link Unsubscribe Link
##verbose_name Series Name (Note: This macro can be used only in the email subject line, and will NOT work in the email body).

For Calendar Invites

Merge Tag Description
#### Magic link (For virtual and hybrid events)
##event_location Event location (For hybrid and field events)
##checkin_qrcode Check-in QR code (Only for field events) 

To learn more about how to customize your email templates, take a look at our Crafting and Scheduling Emails article. 

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