Speed Networking With Twine

Twine is a paid feature. Reach out to your CSM to discuss pricing and get started.

Create more opportunities for real engagement and connection by inviting your attendees to participate in speed networking powered by Twine’s video networking. 

A twine networking room can be added to a Goldcast event on a separate tab inside your event space. 

Attendees are matched for 1-on-1 or small group conversations that are guided by meaningful, thought-provoking questions you can choose from.

After a set amount of time (ex. 3 or 5 minutes) each attendee will be reconnected with a new partner for conversation. 

After each chat, attendees can rate the conversation and opt to share their contact information via email with the people they were matched with.

Note: Twine can't be used in Incognito mode. If you see a blank screen on the twine tab in your event, make sure your event is not opened in an Incognito window. 

Contact your Goldcast CSM for a quote & more information on setting up a Twine-speed networking room at your next event!

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