Engagement Panel Overview

The Engagement Panel provides attendees with an interactive event experience. They can use the various features in this panel to interact with each other and the speakers during the event. This panel has multiple configurable features such as chat threads, direct messaging, polls, Q&As, and downloadable resources. 

In this article, let's explore the different features of the engagement panel. 

How To Chat With Attendees


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The engagement panel to the right of the stage is your primary point of contact with attendees. This panel displays the chat messages sent in by the audience. All attendees have access to the chat tab and can send in messages, respond to other chats with emojis, or share GIFs (if you’ve enabled it) anytime during the event. Organizers and speakers can also use this tab to interact and communicate with the audience. 

Heads Up! Attendees can also view and download any resources you upload to the session via the Docs tab in the engagement panel. 


Chat types

In Goldcast, we offer the following separate chat threads that serve different purposes:

Chat Type What is it? Who can view it?
Public  Common across the event All event attendees, speakers, and organizers
Session A separate chat thread for each session Session attendees, speakers and organizers
Backstage A private backstage chat thread

Only session speakers and organizers. 

Attendees cannot view it.

Booth A separate chat thread for each booth Booth attendees, sponsors, and event organizers
Room A separate chat thread for each room Room attendees, sponsors, and event organizers
Direct message Private one-on-one text chats Attendees, speakers, and organizers
Video message Private one-on-one video call Attendees, speakers, and organizers


Note: Messages posted in all these chat threads are recorded and shared with organizers after the event. You can view all chat messages in the Engagement Analytics dashboard



Public chat

This chat is shared across all sessions of your event. You can use it to chat and interact with attendees, irrespective of the session they attend. It’s visible throughout the event. If you turn off public chat, only organizers and speakers can post announcements, notifications or other messages for attendees on this thread. If public chat is enabled, all attendees can view and post messages on it throughout the event. 

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Session chat

Each session in Goldcast has a chat specific to it. You can use this to share links, notes and other information relevant to the session. Attendees can use this chat to interact with other session attendees and share their thoughts with the speakers in real time. You can turn session chat on/off during the event, and the change will be updated for the audience in real-time. 

Note: Once the session is over, attendees cannot view this chat thread, as it refreshes with each new session. 


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Booth and Room chat

Like the session chat, booth and room chats are specific to a particular room or booth. You can use them for networking purposes. 

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                                Room chat                                                                              Booth chat

Backstage chat

Session speakers and event organizers (admins) can access a private backstage chat thread. You can use this chat panel to communicate with other speakers and organizers while you’re backstage or onstage. This chat is not visible to attendees and speakers who aren’t part of the session. 

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Direct message

Goldcast makes it easy for your audience, speakers, and organizers to connect one-on-one. Attendees, speakers, or other organizers can use direct messages to communicate with a specific person. 

Follow these steps to send a direct message:

  1. Go to the Messages tab in the engagement panel. 
  2. Click the name of the person you want to send a direct message to. 
  3. Enter your message in the text field to begin the conversation. 

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Video message

Besides private texts, organizers, speakers, and attendees can also video call one-on-one. Select the Video Call button next to the person’s name in the Messages tab to begin the video call. This notifies them that you would like to video chat. The recipient can accept or decline your request. 

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Share a chat message onstage

You can publish chat messages on the stage in real-time. This is a great way to encourage audience participation and provides real-time feedback to speakers so they can address audience questions or reactions. 

Pro Tip: Publishing funny or interesting audience comments on the stage can add to the overall event enjoyment and increase audience engagement and participation. 


To publish a chat message onstage:

  • Hover over the message you want to present onstage
  • Click the Share icon

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Things to know:

  • To publish a chat message onstage, you must be an organizer or speaker for the session and be inside the session. 
  • You can publish chat messages while onstage or backstage. 
  • You can share the message during the session or breaks. 
  • Organizers and speakers can share public and session chats onstage. 

To remove the chat message from the stage, click the X button in the upper right corner of the chat window. 

Pin a message to the top

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Click the pin icon next to a chat message to pin it at the top of the thread. 

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Delete a chat message

Click the delete icon next to the chat message to remove it. Deleted messages are no longer visible to the audience and other speakers and organizers. 

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Send a chat message to Q&A

Sometimes, attendees might ask questions in the chat tab. You can move these over to the Q&A tab by clicking this icon. Note: When you move a chat message to the Q&A tab, it's no longer visible in the chat thread. 

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Heads up! For multi-session events, you can only send session chats to the Q&A tab of that specific session. Public chats cannot be moved to Q&A. 



React with emojis

Click this icon to react to specific chat messages with emojis. 

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Turn chats & GIFs on/off

Goldcast offers you the complete flexibility to turn on/off each chat thread per your requirements. 

Follow these steps to turn on/off different chat threads:

  1. Log into Goldcast Studio and open your preferred event. 
  2. Navigate to Look & Feel using the left side tab. 
  3. Scroll to Engagement & Communication → Chat Experience in the menus on the right. 
  4. Turn on/off the public chat, session chat, room chat, booth chat, private chat and GIFs using their respective toggles. 
  5. Click Save. 

Things to know:

  • You cannot turn off speaker chat. It’s available for all sessions. 
  • If you turn off GIFs, attendees cannot post gifs in the chat boxes. 
  • If GIFs are enabled, attendees can search and share Level 1 G-rated GIFs from Giphy. Only non-offensive content is permitted. 

Clear Chat

If you've used the event for a trial run, you might prefer to clear all chats and start afresh before the event. To do so:

  • Log into Goldcast Studio and open your preferred event.
  • Click the Edit Event button on the top-right, and click Clear Chat

Note: This action permanently deletes all session chats, backstage (speaker) chat and public chat in the event. 






How To Manage Audience Q&A


The Q&A is a popular engagement feature of Goldcast events. During a Goldcast session, attendees, speakers, and organizers can submit questions in text or video, depending on what the organizer has enabled for the session. 

Attendees can use the Q&A tab in the engagement panel on the right to submit text questions and click the Raise Hand button at the bottom to submit a video Q&A request. A red dot next to the Q&A tab indicates a text or video question has been submitted. 

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Audience stage view

Turn on/off Q&A at the session level

Follow these steps to turn on/off text and video Q&A for each session:

  1. Log into Goldcast Studio and open your preferred event. 
  2. Navigate to Program → Agenda using the left side tab and click your preferred session to open the Edit Session Details window. 
  3. Scroll to Q&A, and turn on/off Text Q&A and Video Q&A using their respective toggles. 
  4. Click Save
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How to respond to audience questions

Use the Q&A icon on the left panel to respond to text queries and the Raise icon to accept or deny video Q&A requests. 

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When a text or video question has been submitted, you can notice a red dot next to the Q&A and Raise icons. If you’ve enabled the Moderate Q&A parameter, you must click the Approve button to make the question visible to other attendees under the Q&A tab. 

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Heads up! The Approve button is available only for questions asked by attendees. Questions from speakers or organizers are automatically approved. Take a look at the screenshot below. 


Share onstage

Once a text question has been submitted (and approved if Q&A is moderated), you can share it onstage by clicking the Share button. Click Stop Share on the left panel or the bottom right to remove the question from the stage. 

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Answer via text

You can also respond to submitted questions via text by clicking the Answer button beneath the question. Your reply will be visible to all attendees directly under the question. 

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Note: You can submit only one response per question. If you typed a wrong response, you can modify it by clicking the Edit button. Both organizers and speakers can respond to questions and edit them.  


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Once you post a response to a question, it’ll be automatically marked as Answered, and attendees can view the reply. You can also share answered questions on the stage. However, it can no longer be upvoted. 

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Delete a question

Organizers and speakers can delete a question by clicking the delete (trash) icon next to the question. 

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Mark as priority

If you have multiple questions from the audience, you can mark the ones that must be answered on priority. Speakers and organizers can use the Filters at the top of the tab to quickly filter questions. 

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Video Q&A

Besides text Q&A, Goldcast also offers video Q&A for live sessions. If any attendee submits a video Q&A request, you will notice a red dot next to the Raise icon on the left panel. You can either approve or decline the request. If approved, the attendee will join the stage live and ask the speaker their question directly onstage. 

Heads Up: Attendees can turn on/off their cameras before joining the stage. 


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Event-level Q&A settings

Goldcast offers several Q&A settings that can be set at the event level. This includes:

1. Moderated vs. Unmoderated Q&A

Goldcast allows you to view and approve text questions before allowing all attendees to view and upvote them. 

2. Anonymous Text Q&A

Attendees can ask questions anonymously. All questions will include the attendee’s name if you've turned off this setting. 

3. Show the answerer’s identity

Show the name of the person who answered each question. If you’ve turned off this setting, responses will not have the name of the organizer/speaker who answered them. 

4. Answerers’ alias

Sometimes, you might want to use an alias like “Team Goldcast” or “Events Team,” etc., as the answerer to audience questions. 

Turn on/off event-level Q&A settings

  1. Log into Goldcast Studio and open your preferred event. 
  2. Navigate to Look & Feel using the left side tab. 
  3. Scroll to Engagement & Communication → Chat Experience in the menus on the right. 
  4. Turn on/off Moderate Q&A, Anonymous Q&A, and Answerer’s Identity using their respective toggles. 
  5. Use the Answerer’s Alias text box below the Answerer’s Identity toggle to add an alias. 
  6. Click Save

How To Share Resources

How to upload resources

Follow these steps to add resources to your preferred Goldcast sessions:

  1. Log in to Goldcast Studio and select your preferred event.
  2. Click Program → Agenda in the left menu.                                  
  3. Click the session to which you want to add the resources. 
  4. Scroll to the Engagement Options section and click the arrow next to the Resources tab.                                   
  5. Click the Upload File button to drag and drop, browse, or copy-paste the local file from your computer. Name the resource and click Save.
  6. Use the + Add URL button to share your website or other web pages with your audience. Name the URL, copy-paste the link, and click Save to complete the action. 

While adding a link, make sure to include the complete URL, starting with https://www


7. Click Save in the upper-right corner of the Edit Session details window. 

Watch out for the “Session updated successfully” message to confirm that the resources have been uploaded correctly.  


Pro Tip: Check with your speakers/presenters if they want to share any handouts or documents with attendees. Collect these resources and add them to the appropriate sessions ahead of time.  



How to view and download resources during the event

Attendees can easily view and download the resources anytime during the event without navigating from the main stage. All they have to do is click the Docs tab in the Engagement panel on the right to discover and view the uploaded documents, handouts, and other files. 

Attendee View


1. What type of resources can I add? 

You can add any resource that you would like to share with attendees. Some examples of resources that you can share include:

  • Whitepapers
  • Links to your presentation 
  • Calendar link to book a product demo/sales call 
  • Blog posts for reference
  • URLs to videos that you’d like attendees to watch 
  • Post-session surveys
  • Terms & Conditions (T&C), Privacy Policy, FAQs, etc.

2. Are there any restrictions on the number of files? 

No limits. You can add as many files as required to each session. 

3. Are these resources available across all sessions?

No. Uploaded resources are specific to each session. If you want to share the same resource across all sessions, you must upload it separately for each session. 

4. What is the maximum file size? 

Each file must be within 50 MB. 

5. Are there any restrictions on the type of files I can add to the Resources tab? 

No. You can add all popular file formats, such as PDFs, Word documents, spreadsheets, JPEGs, and more. 

How To Share a Poll

Polls are a great way to interact and engage with your event audience in real-time. They allow you to ask questions, receive feedback and display results on stage. In Goldcast, organizers and speakers can share polls on stage in all session types: live, pre-recorded, and RTMP.

Setting up a Poll in Studio

Polls are set up when you create a session for your event program.

  • Open Goldcast Studio and select the All Events button to get a list of all your events. 
  • From the Events list, click the event you want to edit.
  • Click Program in the menu on the left side of the screen.
  • Click the session you’d like to edit.
  • Scroll down to Engagement Options and click the arrow on the right side to open the section.
  • Click the arrow on the left side to open the Polls section.
  • Click +New Poll.
  • Type your question in the Question field.
  • Click +Add Option to add an answer option. Add as many answer options as needed.
  • Check the box next to Allow multi-selection if you would like to enable your attendees to select more than one answer option at a time.
  • Click Save.

We recommend that you set up polls prior to the event going live. However, if you wish to include or modify a poll even when the session is live, you can do so by adding or modifying polls from the Edit Session Details drawer in Goldcast Studio.

Opening a poll

When you open a poll, it becomes available to attendees, and they can vote on it. However, the poll will not be visible on stage until you share it. 

Follow these steps to open a poll:

  1. Use your magic link to open the event landing page. 
  2. Click Enter Backstage to join the backstage of your session. 
  3. Click Polls on the left-side panel. 
  4. Click the Open button next to the poll you want to launch. 
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  5. When you open a poll, attendees receive a pop-up notification indicating that a poll is open. Attendees won’t see the Poll tab in the Engagement Panel on the right until the organizer/speaker opens a poll. 
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Poll experience from the attendee's point of view

Sharing a poll onstage

You can share polls on stage so attendees can see the voting results in real-time. Click the Share button corresponding to the poll to share it onstage. 

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Here are a few pointers on sharing polls on stage:

  • When a poll is open and shared on screen, attendees can directly click on the responses on the stage to cast their vote. However, it’s not necessary to share the poll for attendees to vote.
  • When a poll is open but not shared on screen, attendees must navigate to the engagement panel to vote.
  • When a poll is closed but shared on screen, attendees can view the results but cannot cast their votes. 

Use the Layout button at the bottom of the screen to determine how you want to display the poll on stage. For more information, refer to our guide on layouts when sharing content on stage

Note: Speakers and organizers can see the votes cast for each answer in a poll. However, attendees can view the results only as a percentage, not the number of votes. 



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Event organizers and speakers can see the votes cast for each answer. 

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Poll results are displayed as a percentage to the audience.

Stop sharing a poll

When you’re done showing the results, click the Stop Sharing button at the bottom-right of the screen or the Stop Sharing button corresponding to the poll in the left panel. 

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Closing a poll

Once you’re done accepting submissions, click the Close button corresponding to the poll in the left panel. Once a poll is closed, attendees can no longer cast their votes. 

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Reopening a poll

You can always reopen a poll after you close it. To do so, navigate to the Poll tab in the left panel and click the Open button corresponding to the poll you’d like to reopen. 

Launching Polls while Presenting Slides

You can seamlessly switch between polls and your slide deck anytime during your presentation. Here’s how you can do it: 

Once you’re in the Event Space, click Slides in the left sidebar. Click the Share button on your preferred slide to share it onstage. 

During the presentation, you can click the Polls tab in the left sidebar and click the Share icon to launch a poll on stage. This will interrupt the presentation, and the poll will be shared on stage.

If you want to switch back to your presentation, all you have to do is go back to the Slides tab and click the Share icon next to the slide you want to present on stage. This action stops the poll from being shared on stage and automatically switches back to your presentation. 


Your slide deck is back on stage, and you can continue the presentation right from where you left off. 

Note: You can share several polls during your presentation. Remember, the poll is no longer shared on stage when you switch back to the presentation. However, it’s still open to your audience. They can respond anytime during the session until you click the poll Close button.


Viewing poll data

Besides viewing poll responses in real-time, Goldcast provides a detailed analysis of poll engagement and user responses. 

Follow these steps to view poll data: 

  • Login to Goldcast Studio using your credentials. 
  • Open your preferred event and navigate to Analytics → Engagement using the left navigation panel.  
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On this dashboard, you can view and download the poll results for your event. Goldcast updates the engagement data two hours after the event completes. For more information, refer to our Guide on Engagement Analytics Dashboard


1. Can I launch multiple polls at the same time? 

No. Only one poll can be open at a time. If you'd like to launch another poll, you can close the previous one and open the next one. 

2. How do I modify poll questions/responses while the session is live? 

Follow these steps to add or modify polls while a session is ongoing:

  • Login to Goldcast Studio using your credentials and select your preferred event from the Events List. 
  • Navigate to Program → Agenda using the left sidebar, and click the session you want to edit. 
  • This opens the Edit Session Details drawer. 
  • Navigate to Engagement Options and scroll to the Polls section. 
  • Add a new poll or modify an existing poll. 
  • Click Save

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Heads up! Any changes you make to a poll in the Studio are reflected in real time in the Event Space. 






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