Email Analytics Dashboard


The Emails Analytics Dashboard allows you to track information about your general email traffic as well as how your event Registrants engage with elements within emails such as links and calendar invitations.

This article explains how you can navigate to the Emails analytics dashboard and what data is captured in the dashboard. 

  1. Login to Goldcast Studio with your credentials, and select the Events tab to get a list of all your events.
  2. From the Events list, click the event for which you want to view the Emails analytics data. You will land on the Event Dashboard page. 
  3. Click the Analytics tab on the left menu to continue. The Analytics tab displays the list of tabs available under it.
  4. Click the Emails sub-tab.

Getting to Know the Dashboard

Email Sending Data

The Email Sending Data section of the dashboard is used to track metrics for the emails you've sent out for your event. This includes the percentage of emails that were DeliveredBounced (could not be sent), and Opened by the receiver as well as the Total number of emails sent.

The Link Clicking Data section of the dashboard provides information about how many times your Event and Add to Calendar links have been clicked by Registrants as well as the Total number of links that have been clicked in general.

Please review the Link Clicked section of this document for additional information about how this data is broken down.

Event Email Activity

The Event Email Activity section of the Email Analytics dashboard provides a detailed overview of how your event Registrants are interacting with your emails. Three activities are tracked in the table:

  • Action Type
  • Email Type
  • Link Clicked

Action Type

The Action Type column displays information about how an event Registrant has interacted with the emails you have sent.

The following Action Types are available on the Email Analytics dashboard.

  • Delivery – Email has been delivered successfully to a recipient
  • Open – Email recipient has opened your email
  • Click – Email recipient has clicked on a link in your email
  • Bounce – Email recipient has not received your email. Verify that you've entered the correct email address.
  • Subscription Change – Indicates that emails from your email schedule will no longer be sent to an email address. This typically occurs after an email has bounced.

Email Type

The Email Type column displays information about the type of email that has been sent to an event Registrant.

The following Email Types are available on the Email Analytics dashboard.

  • Registration – The first email event registrants will receive, confirming their registration
  • CalInvite – The second email event registrants will receive, containing a calendar invite
  • Email Schedule – Emails from your email schedule that have been sent to a registrant
  • Test – Indicates when a test email has been sent from your event's Emails page
  • Custom Email Blast – Emails you have sent that are not a part of your email schedule


Label text for the Email Schedule Email Type will vary depending on what email from your email schedule has been sent. (i.e. Reminder-1d, Reminder-12h, etc.)

Similarly, label text for Custom Email Blast Email Types is determined by the subject header chosen for a custom email.

The Link Clicked column only displays information when an event Registrant clicks on a link in one of your event emails. 

The Add to Calendar label indicates when an event registrant selects the calendar-invite link that is automatically generated for your event.

The Event Landing label indicates that an event registrant has selected the link to your event page.

All other links included in your emails will not be assigned a label for this column. The URL will display instead.

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