Event Summary Report


The event summary page displays the most prominent metrics of your event, along with key pieces of data that can be easily downloaded and shared with stakeholders. This allows event organizers to quickly gain insight into the performance of the event and access the most requested pieces of data, such as registration and attendee lists, easily.

To access the Summary page of an event, navigate to the Analytics tab. This is the first tab you will see in this section. Other tabs in this section, such as Pre-event, Engagement, Booth, Sessions, and Rooms, provide more granular event data.

IMPORTANT: The format of the Summary dashboard changes according to the event state. If the event has not yet taken place, the Event Summary view will highlight registration information. Once the event starts, the Summary view will highlight attendee data through KPIs, charts, and tables.

You can drill down into the visualization to get more insights into data such as companies that have registered for your event. This data can be easily downloaded and exported as PDF or CSV, and also shared via email. You can also choose what columns are displayed in the data table.

You can also use filtering and column configuration on the data table to customize the data being displayed according to your requirements.

Data and KPIs

Note: All the Timestamp in the dashboards are in UTC.

Registrants Data 


  1. Number of Registrations - This metric represents the total number of Registrations for your event.
  2. Number of Companies - This metric represents the total distinct number of companies that event registrants belong to. This is derived from the Company data that is captured from your registration forms.
  3. Companies Chart - This chart represents the distribution of the number of registrants per distinct company in the form of a donut chart. You can hover over the chart to get numbers related to each section for companies in the chart. This chart displays the companies that the user registered and also the unknown companies with the count
  4. Registration details- This table contains all the registration data for the event. It displays information like First Name, Last Name, Email, Company, and Title. In case you have extra fields on your Goldcast registration forms like UTMs, these columns will be appended in the same table to collectively view and use data in a single view. You will also be able to access the Magic Link corresponding to each registrant in the dashboard and export it as per your preference .

Attendee Data 


  1. Number of Registrations - This metric represents the total number of Registrations for your event.
  2. Number of Live Attendees - This metric represents the total number of live Attendees for that event. This figure is inclusive of those who have attended event live and then also watched it on-demand.
  3. Attendance Rate - This is a measure of the conversion of live attendees vs registration for your event.
  4. Total Companies - This metric represents the total distinct number of companies that event registrants belong to. This is derived from the Company data that is captured from your registration forms.
  5. Number of On Demand Attendees - This metric represents the total number of on demand Attendees for that event.  This figure is inclusive of those who have attended event live and then also watched it on-demand
  6. Attendees Chart - This chart represents the distribution of Attendance vs Registrations in the form of a donut chart. You can hover over the chart to get detailed numbers. This chart displays four parameters:
    • Live(Only)
    • On-Demand(Only)
    • Both Live and On Demand
    • Did Not Attended
  7. Companies Chart - This chart represents the distribution of the number of registrants per distinct company in the form of a donut chart. You can hover over the chart to get detailed numbers related to each section for companies in the chart. This chart displays the companies that the user registered and also the unknown companies with the count
  8. Average Time Spent Per Session -  It plots the average time spent per attendee in each session. This gives you insight into what session drew the most traffic and hence engagement.

NOTE: The Time Spent Per Session metric and various other values in the Attendee chart will be available for viewing only after 5 hours after the event ends. For information on those metrics, check this help doc


Event Summary Table

This table contains all the attendee's data related to their registration and engagement throughout the event. Columns are dynamic and based on the type of activities captured during the event. Users are also able to configure which columns to display. Here is a list of data columns displayed in this table:

  1. First Name, Last Name, Email, Company, and Location of each attendee, Country, Attendance Mode, Timestamps for Attendance(Virtual/ In Person/ On Demand), and Time Spent per user in that event.
  2. Event Attendance Status can be easily filtered on to get data for you No Shows, Live Only Attendees, On Demand viewers and who participated both Live and On-Demand.
  3. Engagement data per attendee like Call to Action clicked, Number of Questions asked and Polls Answered, also the number of chat messages collectively in an event.
  4. Dynamic information related to extra fields that are added to your Goldcast Registration form which appends to all the fields, like UTM Parameters, Dietary Restriction, Data Share Consent, Country, Age, etc.
  5. You will also be able to access the Magic Link corresponding to each registrant in the dashboard and export it as per your preference .

Event No Shows

This table contains primary details of the registrants who did not attend the event. The columns displayed here are First Name, Last Name, Email, Title, Company, Registered Timestamp(UTC).

Columns are dynamic and based on the type of activities captured during the event. Users are also able to configure which columns to display.

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