Rooms Analytics Dashboard


The Rooms Analytics Dashboard allows you to track information about all your Discussion Rooms and related metrics such as how your event Attendees engage within Rooms. The dashboard includes analytics for all types of Rooms i.e. Booth Rooms and Event Rooms.

This article explains how you can navigate to the Rooms dashboard and what data is captured in the dashboard. 

  1. Login to Goldcast Studio with your credentials, and select the Events tab to get a list of all your events.
  2. From the Events list, click the event for which you want to view the Rooms analytics data. You will land on the Event Dashboard page. 
  3. Click the Analytics tab on the left menu to continue.
  4. Click on the Rooms sub-tab.

Understand the Dashboard

From the drop-down on top of the screen of the Rooms Analytics Dashboard, select a Room in your event to view its respective Rooms Analytics. Please note that each room is classified as an Event Room or a Booth Room.

Room Attendee by Domain 

The Room Attendee by Domain graph depicts the number of Room attendees that belong to a particular domain. This allows for a Domain or Company wise comparison of number of event registrants attending a particular Room.

Room Attendee Activity

The Room Attendee Activity section of the dashboard provides a detailed overview of the activities that take place in your Room. This indicates how the event users interact with Rooms and its elements. The information that is included in this tabular view is an Activity Type and its description, the Room visitor's Name and Email along with the Time(in UTC) of when the activity took place in the Room. The activity that is currently recorded is:

  • Chat Message

Room Attendance Summary

The Room Attendance Summary section of the dashboard provides an overview of the attendance information for a particular Room. The information that is included in this tabular view is the room visitor's Name, Email, Company and Title, and the time the user spent in the Room(in minutes).

Engagement Metrics

The following metrics are available on the Rooms Analytics dashboard:

  1. Room Attendees: This metric depicts the count of unique event attendees that enter a particular Room.
  2. Chat Messages: This metric depicts the count of Chat messages that are being sent in a particular Room. This number is represented as a sum of all the messages sent by All Events Users that attended your Room.

Note: If your data isn't reflect in the Rooms tab in the Analytics section in Studio, check back in sometime. It usually takes up to 40 minutes for the data to reflect post the activity in the event.



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