Content Lab: Open a Video Clip/Text Post

This article explains how to access previously created video clips and text posts in Content Lab. 

For Existing Goldcast Users

  1. Log into Goldcast Studio and navigate to Content Lab. 
  2. Once you’re in the Content Lab dashboard, scroll to the All Content section.
  3. Use the Event, Session, and Type filters to find your previously created video clips and text posts. 
  4. Use the Type filter to select:
    1. Clip - Video clips
    2. Text - Blogs, emails, social posts, custom posts
    3. Both
  5. Use the Search icon 1716564319650-511ebcbb-1d24-4a85-87a8-a4e45b12904e (256×256) on the right to filter clips/text posts by title quickly. 

For New Content Lab Users

  1. Sign in to Content Lab using your email and password. If you haven’t signed up yet, click here to read how to create an account in Content Lab
  2. On the Home tab, scroll to the All Content section.
    1716564390614-d1e248e7-a22f-4d46-a545-19fa8e649900 (1200×565)
  3. Use the Recording and Type filters to find your previously created video clips and text posts. 
  4. Use the Type filter to select:
    1. Clip - Video clips
    2. Text - Blogs, emails, social posts, custom posts
    3. Both
  5. Use the Search icon 1716564319650-511ebcbb-1d24-4a85-87a8-a4e45b12904e (256×256) on the right to filter clips/text posts by title quickly. 

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