Content Lab: How to Generate and Publish Auto-Generated Video Chapters

Learn how to automatically add chapters to your videos in Content Lab.

Heads up! This feature is currently in Beta. To know more, contact your CSM or Goldcast Support ( 


Content Lab's AI-powered automatic video chapterization allows you to segment long-form videos into well-defined sections. 

Our AI analyzes your videos to auto-generate chapters that align with your content's key points. Segmenting your videos into chapters makes it easy for viewers to jump to relevant sections quickly. It also encourages viewers to explore different parts of the video, potentially increasing watch time and viewer experience. 

You can manually create new chapters, delete AI-generated chapters, or rename them with just a few clicks. And that's not all; you can also quickly create video clips from each chapter and share them on social, on-demand pages, and video hubs. 

Refining auto-generated video chapters

After this release, Content Lab will automatically generate and add video chapters for all NEW videos and event recordings uploaded to the platform. To learn how to add video chapters to existing videos, please refer to this section


Follow these steps to make changes to auto-generated chapters:

Step 1: Open your video

Click the Import File button to upload a video to Content Lab. You can share the video URL or drag and drop a video file from your system.

Step 2: View auto-generated video chapters

Once your video is uploaded, Content Lab automatically generates relevant chapters. Our AI analyzes the content and divides it into appropriate sections for easy navigation. 

Step 3: Review and refine

Once Content Lab generates the chapters, you can review and refine them to ensure they represent the content accurately. Click the three-dot icon next to the chapter title in the Recording tab to: 

Rename Chapter

You can modify the auto-generated chapter titles to reflect the content better. Click Rename Chapter and type in a new name. Changes save automatically. 

Create Clip

Click Create Clip to generate a standalone video of the chapter's timeframe. You can edit and share this video clip as required. 

Remove Chapter

Click Remove Chapter to delete unwanted chapters from your video timeline. 

Heads up! This action only removes the chapter marker—it doesn't delete the corresponding video content.


Note: You can also make changes using the timeline editor at the screen's bottom. To adjust a chapter's beginning or end, drag and drop the chapter markers. If you want to rename or delete a chapter, click the three-dot icon next to it. 


Adding video chapters manually

Sometimes, the auto-generated chapters might have missed a few critical segments of your video. Content Lab gives you precise control and allows you to add chapters manually. To add a chapter manually:

  1. Open your video and navigate to the Recording tab. 
  2. Select the part of the transcript you want to include in the chapter. 
  3. Click New Chapter in the toolbar that pops up.
  4. Alternatively, click the New Chapter button beneath a paragraph to add it as a chapter in the video's timeline. 


Auto-generating chapters for existing videos

By default, Content Lab will automatically generate chapters for all NEW videos or event recordings added to the platform after this feature is released. Follow these steps to add chapters for existing videos:

Step 1: Open your video

Click the Show All button to search and open an existing video or event recording. 

Step 2: Click Auto Generate

Click the Generate Chapters button on the bottom left of the Recording tab. Our AI analyzes the content and divides it into appropriate sections for easy navigation. Once the chapters are generated, you can review and refine them to ensure they represent the content accurately. You can perform the following actions:

  • Rename a chapter
  • Add a new chapter
  • Create a clip from a chapter
  • Delete an existing chapter


Heads up! Our team has developed a workflow that will enable you to publish on-demand videos with chapter markers. This will help viewers more easily navigate through various sections of your on-demand events hosted on Goldcast. Check out “How to Edit and Chapterize On-Demand Videos”  


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