Content Lab: How to Edit and Chapterize On Demand Videos

Learn how to automatically add chapters to your videos in Content Lab.

This document provides a step-by-step guide on how to publish video chapters for on-demand webinars:

Step 1: Review your chapters in Content Lab

  1. Navigate to your Webinar once it has ended. Click on Edit Video
  2. You will be navigated to Content Lab where you can view the full event recording. Here you can see video chapters automatically generated for the recording - we use AI to understand the transcript and break it down into sections with titles.

Step 2: Enable and View auto-generated video chapters

If you are satisfied with the autogenerated chapters and would like to enable chapterized view for the on-demand viewers, then follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate back to the webinar Post event page and click on “on-demand page” in the top right hand corner.
  2. Navigate to player settings and toggle the "Show Chapters" option. Chapter markers and the chapters menu should reflect on the on-demand player in real time.

Heads up! You do not need to hit save in order for your changes to reflect - changes will occur automatically .



If you would like to make any modifications to your Auto generated chapters, continue on with these steps:

Step 3: Editing Chapters

  1. Adjusting Chapter lengths: If necessary, drag the ends of chapters to modify their length.
  2. Removing Chapters: Select and remove any unwanted chapter breaks.
  3. Add Chapters : Hover at paragraph break to add a chapter break or select a portion of transcript to add it as a chapter.
  4. Renaming Chapters: Rename chapters if the AI-generated titles are not satisfactory.


Step 4: Publishing Chapters

  1. After reviewing and finalizing chapter adjustments, the "Publish" button will be activated.
  2. Ensure chapter changes are satisfactory, then click "Publish."
  3. The processing time for publishing corresponds to the video length (e.g., a 6-minute video takes 6 minutes to process).

Heads up! You can navigate back to your on demand page to review your changes, but you will not need to make any adjustments. Once you hit “Publish” in Content Lab, changes are reflected everywhere your video lives. 




1: Will chapters be automatically enabled with On-Demand?

No. By default, the show chapters toggle is off for any webinar. To enable chapters, refer to Step 2 above. 

2: Will the chapters setting carry over if I duplicate an event?

Yes. The show chapters toggle setting will carry forward when you duplicate an event based on what you have it set to when you duplicate.

3: Can I enable or disable chapters at any point in time?

Yes. You can disable/enable the show chapters toggle at any point. If you are already on the on-demand page, changes will be reflected once the page has been refreshed

4: Where & what type of events can I use chapters in?

Auto-Generated chapters are available for all full length videos processed in Content Lab. However, editing and publishing chapters for On-Demand videos are exclusive to webinars ONLY. Chapterized views for On-Demand mode is NOT available for standard Events

Heads up! Uploaded videos do not currently have publishing capabilities. Stay tuned for updates as this will be enabled soon.


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