Content Lab: Change Caption Position and Style

Content Lab automatically generates captions for your video clips. You can customize these captions to match your branding by modifying the position, font style, size, colors, highlights, and more. 

To change caption style and position:

  • Open Content Lab and select the clip you want to edit. 
  • Click Captions on the Clip Customizer menu to the right of the clip.  
  • Select your preferred caption style from the styles available. 
  • To customize it further, click on the caption on the video clip to highlight the editing menu. 
  • To change the caption’s position, drag and place it anywhere on your video.
  • Alternatively, you can use the Placement button to position the caption at any of the three pre-fixed spots on the video: top, middle, or bottom.  


  • Use the Style dropdown to change the caption’s appearance. You can choose from several options, such as Basic, Outline, and Background.  
  • Use the Font and Size dropdowns to modify the font typeface and size. 
Change Caption Font
Change Caption Size

Heads up! Currently, you cannot set the font size to a specific number. You can only choose from two pre-defined sizes: Small and Medium



  • Toggle between Sentence Case and Capitals using the Letter Case icon. 


  • Use the Color Palette icon to change the caption’s main text and highlight color.   
  • Click the Animations icon to choose a box or text highlight for the caption.
  • The Edit Captions icon allows you to correct, delete, or hide specific words in the caption.
  • Finally, the Delete icon will remove captions from your video clip.

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